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Natsu's POV

God Danmit. Metal Head wont let me talk to Sydney even though she's my sister. He can be so hard headed at times. Glad I'm not like that. I've been trying to get some answers out of her all day. Last night I was out pranking Gray and when I got home, Sydney wasn't there. Now apparently she's adopted and I'M SO FUCKING CONFUSED. This is like school but in real life!

 I walked up to the door to my house and walked in. Mom was sitting at the table, talking on the phone. Once she saw me, she hung up and asked me how school was. I didn't answer her right away. "What's wrong, son?" she asked. "How?" I mumbled. "How what?" she questioned. "How is Sydney adopted? When were you going to tell us?" I said a bit louder now. She made a noise that was like a mixture of a sigh and a growl and she glared at the wall. "I bet that bitch tattled to every person she could, just to get attention," she mumbled under her breath but I still heard it because of my dragon hearing. "She's not a bitch and she didn't tattle. She barely talked to anybody and she just kept to herself all day. You've caused her a lot of pain, why would you do this?" I growled. "I don't care if I've caused her pain or not. It's her own fault for coming home late," she said. "But I got home even later than she did, but you didn't say a word to me," I said. She hesitated. "So tell me how this all happened," I continued. "Sydney came home late and had decided to skip an important estate meeting to instead cause trouble with dog breath, creepy water girl, buff boy, and that black haired delinquent. Then she kept lying, saying that she told me where she was going but she's just making excuses. Then she criticized me and when I blurted out that she is adopted, she cried and stormed out. I never liked her." she said with a huff.   "Look, mother, you never told either of us that there was a meeting and I did hear her tell you where she was going. Sydney's friends are a lot better than you think and they weren't causing trouble. I saw them myself. They were just sitting under the cherry blossom tree talking with each other. If you didn't like her, then why did you still say that she was your daughter?" I asked. "I only said she was my daughter because estates with three or more leaders gets a lot more benefits and money. Without that brat, we would only have two leaders and leaders have to be a part of the family." she  replied, snottily. "Which is why you aren't going to say anything and just go to your room," she continued. I growled and walked upstairs.

Emma's POV

After I got home, I decided to do some research on Sydney. I walked up to my computer and sat down in the chair in front of it. First, I want to know where she is actually from and who her family was. I had to hack into a couple of things but I finally got what I needed. Turns out she is originally from Australia and she actually had a real older brother named Zancrow. He was a Fire God Slayer too but he was blonde. I scrolled down and was so shocked, I about fell out of my chair. Her parents were killed by a demon that attacked her village and only her and Zancrow survived. They were separated and about a year later, Zancrow was sentenced to death because he was a dangerous criminal. Sydney was put in a foster home and was eventually adopted by the Dragneels.

Then I decided to research her eyes. For as long as I've known her, Sydney's eyes have always been able to switch from blue, her natural eye color, to red. I always thought it had something to do with her being a Fire God Slayer, but after I saw how her eyes turned grey, I don't think that's the case. I pulled up a link that seemed to describe her condition. It is called Emotion Trigered Eyes. It is when someone's eyes are connected directly to the part off the brain that analyzes your emotions. The brain then sends electrical messages to the eyes telling them how you feel, which causes them to change color. Only certain emotions affect the eyes and this condition is very rare. It said that 90% of the very few that have it have a hidden power. 'Does Sydney have a hidden power'? I thought. I gasped. It must be the steam magic! She said herself that she didn't find it, it found her. I will have to ask her tomorrow.' I thought before shutting my light off and heading to bed.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry that it's a short chapter. This is kind of an information chapter so sorry if it's boring, the next one should have more action. Thank you to those of you who told me their opinion it has helped me a lot. I'm a bit disappointed in the rest of you, I was hoping for people to be a bit more willing to help. Thanks for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it! I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters.

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