Tomorrow's a Mistery

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Chapter 15

Adriana stared at Patrisha in shock. She saw the woman was asleep. Not realizing there was someone in her room. Adriana could see that Patrisha was sickly pale. The entire room was completely black.

The sound of footsteps rushed passed her from the other side of the door. She let's out a sigh of relief. But cut it short. Adriana just remained where she stood. Staring at Patrisha.

The smell of Patrisha came to her nose. She smelt the dying scent on Patrisha. Adriana's eyes widened in horror. This woman was dying!

Pain and sympathy was felt in Adriana's heart. Feeling like it may crack by this woman's fate. She continued to stare at her in confusion but also in sadness.

'Who is this woman? She looks like she may die.'

'Thats Ario's wife.'

Ignoring what Beast had said. Beginning to walk toward Patrisha. Feeling worry but something else inside her. It felt like she had a connection with the sickly woman.

"Your not. . .going to kill me. . .are you?" said Patrisha. Adriana stopped in her tracks. She was shocked that the woman was alive. Or that she was able to speak so well. "No, I'm not going to kill you." Adriana spoke. Patrisha turned her head to look at her. Looking at her with glassy eyes.

The look in Patrisha's eyes were sickly. Adriana walks up to the bed. Being as cautious as she can. Not wanting to be caught in a trap. She takes wary steps. Her senses wide and open.

Patrisha watches as Adriana walked toward her. Not looking frightened in any way. Instead she was smiling at her. Warmly. . . "I'm glad Im finally meeting you." she said a little happy. Her happiness confused Adriana completely.

'This woman is a Reaver, yet she is kind to me. Shouldn't she know that I'm a wolf?'

"Who are you?" Adriana asked as she reaches the bed. Patrisha smiles up at Adriana. "My name is Patrisha. I'm Ario's wife." Adriana's eyes widened in shock. But she quickly covered it. Inside she was still shocked. Not believing this kind woman could be Ario's wife.

"It's nice to meet you my dear. Are you here to help me?" Patrisha asked. Beginning to cough rapidly, Patrisha tried to stop them. Adriana spotted trickle of blood falling out of her mouth. She could smell her blood, smelling that it was B Negative Blood.

Slowly getting down on her knees. Adriana made sure she was at eye level with Patrisha. Not caring if she may get sick by whatever sickness Patrisha may have. "How did you get this sickness?" Adriana asked seriously. Looking into Patrisha's glassy eyes. Seeing how sick they looked. The look of her wasn't good.

Patrisha's cheeks were now a deathly pale. Her lips nearly white. Adriana couldn't believe this woman was still alive.

"I've had it for months now, child. It started when I went to visit a friend."

Adriana nods, understanding. "Why do you need my blood?" Adriana then asked. She stares at Patrisha again. Hoping to get more information. "Because your's is very rare, and you're a Cursed One. I need a Cursed One's blood to survive through this illness."

Staring in utter shock. Adriana had no idea what she should say. Or what to do.

'Shes telling the truth. This woman sheds no lies.'

Adriana nods to Beast's words. Then she looks back at Patrisha. Seeing that she was close to falling asleep. "I'll help you." Adriana states. Waking Patrisha completely

"What do I have to do?" Adriana asked now seriously. She stood up straight and looked around. Finding a knife on the counter near Patrisha's bedside. Adriana reaches for the knife and grabs it. "You have to let me drink your blood. Just cut yourself and put the blood in that glass." Pointing at an empty glass, small enough for a pint of blood to fill.

Nodding, Adriana gets in front of the glass. Then she places the knife on the palm of her hand. And then ran it deep across her hand. Blood instantly fell and was about to drip off her hand.

Quickly, she grabs the glass and hover her hand over the glass. Tons of blood started to fall down and fill the glass. Adriana watches as her blood fills half of the glass in only fifteen seconds. Not at all was she affected by the loss of blood. She closes her eyes and slowly breathes. Trying to forget the pain that was filling her system.

The glass was now full of blood. Adriana turns around and gives Patrisha the blood. Not caring if her blood was staining the bed.

Patrisha picks up the glass. Smiling gratefully at Adriana. "Thank you, Adriana." Adriana smiles at her in kindness. "No problem." Slowly sitting up, Patrisha tries to make sure she can drink the blood.

Touching the glass with her lips. Patrisha began to drink Adriana's blood. Taking big gulps as she drank it. The drink was gone in ten seconds.

A wave of power washed over Adriana. Running passed her and toward Patrisha. Adriana watches as her sickly pale color changed to a beautiful tan. Her eyes were no longer glassy and were a beautiful shade of blue. Patrisha suddenly rolled off the bed and on her feet. Adriana nearly stumbled back by her height. Seeing she was about 7 feet tall.

Patrisha looks at Adriana and smiled. Adriana then found herself in a hug. "Thank you, Adriana. Your mother must be proud."

Freezing once Patrisha mentions her mother. Adriana pushes herself out of Patrisha's embrace. Staring at her in confusion. "What do you mean?" Patrisha stared at her in confusion once Adriana asked. "Your mother's name is Élan Bloodworth, am I right?" Adriana nods and allows her to continue.

"She's my best friend."

Adriana's eyes widened in complete shock and horror. Not believing what she had just heard.

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