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Chapter 20

Adriana nearly felt like she may collapse once Adolf said he imprinted her. Or even faint. She felt her knees buckle and nearly collapsed. Her breath was caught in her throat.

The wind around her seemed to have thickened in her lungs. Almost as if it wanted to suffocate her.

She could barely breathe as she tried to speak.

'JUST SPEAK ALREADY!' screamed Beast. Her voice nearly made her wince. Adriana felt like her ears may pop by the volume.

A spark of energy suddenly ran through her once Beast spoke. Adriana takes in a deep breath then looks at Adolf. Her face now looking furious. The color of her eyes changed to dark gold. Opening her mouth, the power to scream came to her vocal cords.

"YOU IMPRINTED ON ME! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" Adriana shrieked at him. She watches at Adolf cringed at the volume of her voice.

She nearly lunges at him from anger. Instead she just started to smack him like a little girl. Except her claws were slashing his skin. Creating large, bloody scratches and cuts.

"OW!" Adolf kept repeating as he kept getting smacked. He snatches Adriana's hand and stops her. Adriana glared angrily at him as he stares back. "You imprinted on me!? Sense when!?" Adriana furiously demanded.

'Did not see this coming!' Beast suddenly said.

Adriana felt a twinge of annoyance come to her once Beast spoke. She just continues to glare at Adolf. He stared at her with guilt in his eyes. Sighing, Adolf dropped Adriana's hands. Then backs away.

"I don't know. It was my wolf instincts that did it. It wasn't my decision." Adolf spoke truthfully.

Glaring angrily at Adriana. Not seeming to really believe him. She takes a step closer toward him. Her gaze letting off a scary aura. Nearly making Adolf shake like a freezing chihuahua.

Looking close into Adolf's eyes. Seeing that he was telling the truth.

She let's off out a chuckle then crossed her arms. "Well you try and explain it to Orion. He will be ecstatic once you tell him you imprinted on me." she said sarcastically. A smirk appearing on Adriana's lips. Seeing how frightened he now looked. It just amused her at his emotion.

"Fine, I'll explain it to him. But you'll need to decide. And I mean for a REAL decision. Sense I've imprinted on you, you will need to decide. This time more important."

Adriana sighs and stares at Adolf. "Yes, I know. Now I need to go." She turns around and walks toward the direction of her house.


She turns back around to glare at Adolf. "I need to head home, plus I don't wanna be around when Orion explodes."

Turning back around, Adriana walks off. "I wish you good luck. I've seen Orion angry, so good luck." Adriana said with a light smirk.

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