Adolf's Confession

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Chapter 19

He stared complete shocked at Adriana. His eyes staring at Orion then to Adriana. Watching as Orion stared shocked at her. But then he smiled at her. Obviously glad of her decision. Adolf felt his heart shatter in two as Adriana and Orion stared at one another.

Anger began to boil inside him. Like a volcano had just erupted.

The color of his eyes changed to dark red. Pupils shrunk into slits. His fangs were exposed when the tips slipped out from his top lip. Looking like a dangerous monster. Adolf's eyes were becoming blinded by anger as he looked at them.

"YOU CHOOSE HIM! IVE BEEN WITH YOU FOR OVER TWO DAMN YEARS!" Adolf screamed at the top of his lungs. Hot red tears streamed down his face.

Adolf felt his fangs sharpen and grow even longer. He glares angry daggers at Adriana. Seeing how sorry but also stunned she looked. All Adolf could see now was just her. By anger but also from betrayal.

Suddenly, he lunges at Adriana. Grabbing her by the arm and running straight into the forest. Her shrieking went on deaf ears as he ran.

'ADOLF, LET HER GO!' shrieked Adolf's wolf side. But he wouldn't listen. He was too angry to listen to anything or anyone.

"ADOLF!" Adriana yelled as loud as she could. She clawed his arm and tried to escape his grip. But Adolf held an iron grip. Not caring if pain seeped into his nervous system.

The two ran through the forest at light speed. Adolf refused to let go of Adriana. Anger taking over him completely. Stopping in the middle of the forest. Where the tree line formed a circle around the two.

"Adolf, how dare you! I need to go help Orion!" Adriana shouted angrily. Adolf sensed her lifting her fist to punch him in the back of the head. He shoots up his hand and catches her fist. Twirling around to face Adriana. Shocking her once he spun around.

His eyes looked lifeless but had anger in them. Staring deep into Adriana's soul. "Why-Why did you pick him? I've been with you for two years. Yet you choose him." Adolf said hurtfully. Adriana looked away from his gaze. The look of guilt on her face.

Adolf stepped closer to Adriana. Wanting her to change her decision. She backs away from him. The sense of guilt was all over her.

"I know. But you two have a lot in common, Orion cares for me, would fight for me. He helps me when I feel bad. And he promised to help me with Beast.

And you, you helped me handle her. Helped me with my Native side. And helped me find my mother.

But the one thing that you both have in common the most, is that you both caught my eye."

Adriana gave him a small smile. Hoping to make Adolf smile. But instead he just sighs. "I still don't know why? I love you with all my heart." Adolf admits. He stares at Adriana directly in the eye. Seeing how shocked she now has become.

Walking closer to her. Adolf grabs Adriana's hands and held them in his. He makes her look at him as he spoke~

"Ever sense I've met you, I thought of you as a friend. The more we grow to know each other, I began to fall for you. You would always give me that smile that warms my heart.

I just wanted you to feel the same for me. When you showed some of it. I just leaped for joy. My heart fluttering like a thousand butterflies. But it was then I realized something important when I met you,"

Adolf looks down at the ground and back at Adriana.

"I imprinted on you. . ."

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