Ana Wallster (Lana Jenner OC)

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Ana's POV:
My name is Anaconda Wallster and I am twelve years old like my best friend Lana Jenner. She has straight brown hair that is a bit lower than her shoulders. Her eyes are never a defined color. They are never the same as the other.

I look like her except that I have solid blue eyes

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I look like her except that I have solid blue eyes. We are not very popular and get bullied a lot. We have the same schedule.

Grade: 6
Home room: Ms.Blackwood Greek teacher
1st Period: Defense/Fight/PE Ms.Luanne
2nd Period: Greek Mythology Ms.Blackwood
3rd Period: Greek Language Mr.Cal
4th: Period: ELA Ms.Mcgovern
5th Period: Math Mr.Fox
6th Period: Music Mrs.Rains
7th Period: Science Mr.Dudley
8th Period Social Studies Greek Mr.Gov
9th Period: Social Studies Normal Ms.Lee

We have the Greek classes because the mist went down and revealed themselves. Lana is bored in all of the Greek classes and she excels in all of them.
"Ana!" Lana yelled waving her hand my face," C'mon we can't be late to Ms.Luanne's class. She will impale us with a sword." I rolled my eyes.
"She is the only one who will get hurt silly," Ms.Luanne is a demigod and Lana is scared to go up against her in fear that she will get hurt.
"Oh. Yeah sorry. I forgot," Lana said frowning. I will never get her. Lana and I talked as we went to the gymnasium and Lana was mumbling something about stupid dyslexia.
"OK class. Today you will be meeting fourteen demigods not counting in myself. Here they come," Ms.Luanne announced. When they all lined up we only counted thirteen. A girl who looked like Lana said,
"Sis! C'mon. You have to get up here!"
"Do I have to Pipes?" Lana asked.
"You're a demigod, Lana?" I screamed.
"Yes I am. I am sorry Ana. But I was in hiding until now," Lana said glaring at "Pipes." Lana walked up and turned her ring that she never took off. It turned into a celestial bronze sword and she yelled,
"So, who wants to go up against a prankster? Travis Stoll your up!"
"Lana please don't make me. I can't sword fight," a boy said.
"Travis. You are a son of Hermes. Use that to your advantage," a girl said.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll do it Katie-Kat," he kissed the girl and walked onto the mat,
"So? Who wants to go?" Of course the jock came up and said,
"I will crush you. Maybe cut your head off." Every demigod glared at him, even Lana.

To be continued. JK. Only if you guys want. The drawings are my own drawings. I won't update until Monday (unless I have time) because of Christmas. And if I do update it will show you what Lana looks like. Oh and here are the fourteen demigods:
Annabeth, Percy, Leo, Piper, Lana, Jason, Travis, Conner, Hazel, Frank, Nico, Will, Katie, and Lou Ellen. Sorry guys that is what happens when I skip lines... Anyhow Stay Strong Demigods- -Night0512 or Kawaii Panda

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