Olivia Varel

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Olivia's POV:

A week after that crazy day Leo and Calypso came up to me dragging two people. One was a typical California type of girl, but with gray eyes instead of blue. The other was a Mediterranean type of dude full blown, windswept messy black hair, handsome sea green eyes. I turned my attention back to my friends.

"Who are they?" I asked putting my hand on my hip. Leo opened his mouth to speak, but the California girl spoke first,

"I am Annabeth Chase. This is my boyfriend, Percy Jackson. And you are?" She held 'Percy's' hands down glared as if daring me to get between them.

"My name is Olivia Varel. And I ain't gonna take your boyfriend. I ain't eve' goin' to date. Thank you very much," I said. She softened up and we soon became friends. When they got married I was invited. I was sent cards whenever the had a child and Christmas and Thanksgiving cards every year. I soon left to join the hunters.

It was a good life. Now I am in Elysium writing my story. Enjoy life.

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