Stormie Lest ( Emily Evans OC)

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Stormie's POV:
My name is Stormie Lest and I am sixteen years old. The Greek gods revealed themselves and the Mist is apparently down. Demigods and monsters are real too. It turns out that there is five in most schools, but some have more or less. I am a sophomore at West Field High.
It was just a regular school day when we were in Mrs.Peterson's class. A phone started blaring Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. The quite girl Emily Evans started blushing when all eyes were on her.
"Miss Evans, your phone," Mrs.Peterson said wanting to humiliate the best student in her class. Emily checked who it was and blushed even more. She answered.
(A- Andrew(OC) E- Emily(OC)
A: Hey Lil' Mermaid.
E: Air Head.
Who has a nick name lil' mermaid and air head?
A: Um. You are going to hate Mrs.Peterson in a bit.
E: I gotta hang up Andy.
A: I told you, Em, I don't like being called Andy!
Emily laughed.
E: Sorry, Andrew, but I have to go now.
A: Bye, Emily. I love you.
E: Love you too, Andrew.
She hung up.
"OK class. We will be learning about an ancient God or goddess," Mrs.Peterson said. Emily flinched like she had been somewhere scary like that.
"Mrs.Peterson can you tell us the name!" I asked.
"Yes. Tarturas. We will be lear-" she was cut off by a scream. It was an ear splitting scream that came from none other than Emily Evans.
"Andrew! No! Please! No! Don't die on me!" she screamed. One of her friends lept for her phone as jocks tried to stop her, but ended up getting hurt really bad. Apparently her friend knew who to call and a boy's voice was put on speaker.
"Is Emily okay?" he asked sounding really nervous.
"No. The teacher said that we would be learning about the pit, and Emily is now screaming from her experience in there," the girl said.
"I'll be right there!" the boy yelled. A boy came running through the door and rushed to Emily.
"Shh. Shh. It's okay. Everything is okay. We are still together, and we are okay. I love you Emily Marie Evans. You know that," he said in a soothing voice. Instantly Emily's screams were turned into sobs as she wrapped her arms around the boy.
"Who are you three really?" I asked Emily, her friend, and the boy.
"I am Andrew Blackwood. I went through Tar- Tar- The Pit with my girlfriend here. We found the locket and key to it. Emily adopted her sister's baby. Oh and I am the son of Jupiter and Emily is the daughter of Neptune. The Roman forms," the boy explained.
"And I am Abby Matthews daughter of Pluto. I have done everything that Andrew has done, plus witness the death of my own mother," Emily's friend said, With that the three left the room, but Andrew was carrying Emily who fell asleep from crying. And that is how I met three demigods who are children of the big three.

So that was my first time doing a 500 worded story. I think.

Stay Strong Demigods-
-Night0512 or Emily Marie Evans (In the future)

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