Smooth Move.

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The two left the pub, hoping to hop straight into the Audi where Natasha waited and speed straight to the tower. There were more thugs waiting though. They didn't even make it of the curb as more burly men crowded them, growls leaving their throats as they stared the two down.

Clint jumped into action straight away, taking out who he could. He couldn't do it alone though. There was too many and he didn't have his bow and arrow to aid him in the battle. Hayley watched on through hooded eyes, not even realising that it was her team mate that was currently taking on over ten Hydra thugs.

"Hayley! Hayley!" He shouted. "I..can't do this alone" he croaked.

Her eyes widened before she snapped out of it. She pushed her arms out instantly, galaxy filled waves of magic coursing out of her finger tips and pushing the thugs to the floor as her eyes filled with the stars.

Clint stared at her in shock.

"That's new" he inwardly mused before rushing forward and gripping her hand, dragging her along to get into the Audi as they sped of back to the tower.

Clint skidded the vehicle into the garage, parking perfectly as the three exited and made their way up to the common room floor.
Natasha and Clint took a seat on the couches as soon as they got onto the floor but Hayley rushed of to fetch something.

"Woah, what happened to you Legolas?" Tony questioned, motioning to the archer cut brow, bust lip and bruising eye.

"Thugs" he grunted back before Hayley plonked herself before him atop of the coffee table and began digging through a medical kit.

"He took on over ten Hydra thugs" Hayley breathed, soaking a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol before cleaning over Clint's injuries to which he hissed at.
"Sorry" she sheepishly said whilst dabbing over his cut brow.

"Did you get the information?" Thor questioned.

"The guy sang like a Canary" Hayley smirked to which Clint and Natasha also smirked at.
"They got pick-up trucks heading into the city at around midnight tonight, they are picking up some new ammunition and weapons that were newly crafted and supposed to be more deadly. Hydra thugs meet with the drivers to settle the deal at one" Hayley informed, remembering the mans words perfectly as she stitched up Barton brow and held an ice pack to his eye.

"Me and Stark as well as Thor will take care of it, the rest of you can get some rest" Rogers nodded.

"There, all done" Hayley piped, standing from her seat and dusting her hands.

"You didn't sort my lip, you gonna kiss it better?" Barton daringly questioned and everyone froze to await her response.

She turned around slowly, a smirk on her face as her eyes danced about his face before she leaned down and gave him a chaste kiss.
She stood straight and began to walk away whilst saying.

"All better?" She nearly chuckled.

"No, second times a charm though?" Barton attempted.

"Don't push your luck, Barton" she smirked before her retreating figure disappeared as she made her way into her room.

Clint looked to the five, an accomplished look in his face as they all stared at him like gawking fishes.

"Lucky Bastard" Tony huffed, turning on his heels and heading  over to the bar to refill his glass per usual.

"Did anyone notice the dog tags around her neck though?" Steve questioned, changing to topic.

"I though they were just for fashion" Tasha shrugged, not really looking into it.

"I got a glimpse of them, they're real. Got the engravings in the plating"  Clint spoke up. "Sergeant Ryan Rose" The archer remembered and that's when Hayley decided to reappear.

She was dressed in a different attire and something told the team that she was intending on going with them to take out the trucks.

"Thought you were heading to bed?" Bruce questioned and she just shrugged.

"I can't sleep knowing there's a bunch of thugs that are still living who tried to feel me up"  she causally replied, causing Clint'a nostrils to flare in anger.

"What?!" Natasha hissed, the empty beer bottle in her hand shattering as she clutched it too hard.

Hayley just nodded and the red head looked like she was about to shoot someone.

"Cap change of plans..." Natasha trailed off.

"We're all going on that mission with you" Clint finished.

All Cap did was smirk.

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