Isabelle Heart.

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"My names Isabelle Heart, I know that you and the others present are SHIELD and Avengers because I used to idolise you all before I was kidnapped by Franklin Rim. He created a cover and used me in doing so, this engagement is even fake, is supposedly 'engaged' to a Hydra goon. I have a Husband and Kids back in New York who probably think they are never going to see me again!" the blonde ranted quietly, knowing their could be earls listening.

"I knew you sounded like a Yorker. So, all men and woman down stairs are..."

"They are Hydra, this event was just organised for publicity. Gets Frank in the good books."

"Is Frank the one with the USB?"

"Yes" Isabelle breathed.

"Okay listen Isabelle, I'm going to transport you to our jet that's on the outskirts of the city. I need you to wait inside the Jet for us to come and then we will take you to your family"

Tears welled in Isabelle's blue eyes and she tore the fake ring from her finger before embracing Hayley into a hug.

"Thank you, thank you so, so much"

"No, thank you. You have been so strong for so long" Hayley nodded and Isabelle stood as the Silver haired girl encased the blonde in her Galaxy mist.

Hayley was alone in an instant,  but, she now knew what she was looking for.  Pressing her hand on her ear, she buzzed in back at the tower using her Ear Piece.

"They're Hydra, they are all Hydra. We are gonna need backup"

"Dammit" Steve voice crackled over the connection. "How are we gonna get there? It's a seven hour ride?!"

"Do you trust me Captain?" Hayley questioned as she gathered her dress into her hands and left the room.

"Of course I do Hayley"

"Good, then gear up and tell the other a to be ready. You have two minutes"

She trotted down the stairs, gazing over the crowd and quickly locking onto Clint's form before she made her way over.
His arms went around her waist instantly, their act changing to lovers around the group as they slipped into the dance floor and danced slowly to the music.

"The Team are getting geared up"

"Why? They won't make it here in time"

"That's where I come in" she whispered, her head on his shoulder as they swayed slightly.

"Hayley? We're ready"

The silver haired girl sucked in a breath, gripping Barton's hands for comfort and support as she scrunched her eye shut. This would take a toll on her, but she would have to grit through it for the sake of her Team. It was like a pulse of an Earthquake shook and there, in the middle of the hall...was the Avengers.

"!" A man sputtered as Natasha hopped of his lap, smirk on her lips as she tossed the USB up and down in her hand.
So, that was Franklin Rim.

The other five moved to the Avengers side, with Hayley stood at the front as she glared the aged man down.

"We're the Avengers bitch" she smirked.

"Somebody get me Beatrice!!" The man roared.

The silver haired girl got to thinking once more and she gathered that Beatrice was the stage name that was forced upon Isabelle.

"Beatrice won't be joining you unfortunately, but you can have a nice angry dose of the Winter Soldier if you want?"

The mans eyes widened as Bucky moved to Hayley's side.

"So, your familiar with his work?...would you care to become a Masterpiece?"

Chaos ensued. Caps shield bounced around like a boomerang, taking out Agents who were on the outside of the crowd before the Vibranium piece bounced back to him.

Rhodes and Tony as well as Vision and Sam were up in the air, repuslors, beams and guns blazing as they took out Agents from above. Hayley had her Katana by her side and Clint had his bow, being thankful to Steve who had spared the thought of retrieving their weapons.

The Agents were dropping like flies, standing no chance against the Team until there was just one left. Franklin himself. How he had managed to weasel past everyone and survive this long they will never know.
He was leaning against the back of a couch, panting and heaving as he stared up at the group gathered whilst refraining from looking around, not wishing to see all the fallen Hydra Agents that littered the room.

"Franklin Rim, on behalf of Isabelle Heart...I sentence you to Death"

Hayley snapped her finger, eyes glittering with stars as Gravity pushed his head inwards until it exploded.

Hayley just looked to the others, finding them slightly worn but otherwise awake and alive before she transported them all back to the jet including herself.

"Who the hell is she?!" Stark questioned as he spotted the blonde who worriedly sat inside the jet.

"Isabelle, I'm transporting you home. Where do you live?"

With the blonde listing her address and giving her thanks, she was gone in the blink of an eye.

"You do know we all won't be able to fly back in this don't you?" Tasha said as she ripped the bottom of her dress like Hayley had done earlier.

The silver haired girl just stood with her hands on her knees, bent over panting before she scrunched her eyes shut and focused on the Compound. With a slight shift, they realised they were back at the compound. They were relieved to be back however...Hayley was in a harsh condition.

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