No Ackles?!

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Truth be told, them theatre seats looked nice to sit on and watch a movie in, but they were a no go to sleep in. The Team personally found that out after a marathon of Disney movies turned into a sleepover in the screening room. 
Well, Vision wasn't effected, after all...he can't sleep.

They awoke with series of pained groans, one by one waking up like dominos with Bucky waking first. It was a rather humorous sight. Sam, Steve, Bucky, Natasha and Clint all lay in a dog pile with Hayley on top and Natasha to her side with the bots beneath. Poor Sam who was on the bottom of them all. Rhodes and Stark were sat in the chairs side by side, the billionaire sprawled out over his friend they lightly snored. Wanda and her brother had their heads resting atop of each other, with the speedster snoring obnoxiously loud. 

Bucky shifted slightly, groaning as he felt the weight of Steve and the two girls atop of him. That was what caused Steve to awake and then Sam and Clint who were underneath them.

"Dudes...get off" Sam groaned, but the panicked look that was on the three men's faces made him raise a brow.

Clint just gestured to the two girls who were nestled together atop of them all, sleeping soundly as everyone else began to wake.

"Do you understand what they will do if you wake them up if they don't want to be waken?" Clint hissed in a whispered, trying to not groan in pain because of the two frickin' super soldiers who lay atop of him as well as his two fellow assassins.

The others who were finally awake gathered around, looking at the predicament the four boys had gotten themselves into. Clint finally attempted at getting them up.

"Natasha...Natasha! There's a black coffee waiting in the kitchen with your name on it" he whispered teasingly.

And that was one up, the red head darted up, jumping from the dog pile and making a bee line to the kitchen to get her coffee. Okay, now...Hayley.

"Hayley....Hayley! I have a bag of chocolates just waiting to be eaten by you..."

Nothing, she didn't even flinch.

"I have pizza" he tried again.

Nothing.  The archer sighed, everyone looking to him to await what he was gonna say next.

"Jensen Ackles is waiting in the common room for you"

She was up and out, jumping from the boys and nearly squealing before running form the screening room to find her hubby. That was when Clint realised his mistake.




He was so dead, quickly jumping onto the chairs as the soldiers got of him, he hoisted himself  into the vents where he stayed for the next hour.
The rest of the Team had to console him to get out of the vents.

"It's fine Barton, they're gone"

"No! They're not, they are just waiting. Do you understand what that could do?! Pair them two together and we are all fucked"

"Well, you gotta leave for Germany in an hour so..."

"It's fine, I will get to my room via vents" Barton replied before shifting off.

To say the two girls were pissed was an understatement they spent the morning grumbling to themselves whilst packing for this mission and of the rest of the Avengers were honest? They were finding it complete hilarious, well, from afar they were. No one had the guts to confront either of the two assassins as they were in such a foul mood.

When it finally came to ten, the two assassin and the twins met up at the jet that was awaiting along with Steve since he was Captain. Barton was nowhere to be seen but they didn't decide to question it, knowing he would arrive in a few minutes.
Sure, enough, he did. His Duffel bag thrown over his shoulder as he panted.

"Took your time Barton" the blonde Soldier called.

"I, uh...yeah" Barton shrugged, not really having an excuse.

"Rogers, promise to look after Chip whilst I am gone" Hayley strongly stated, dropping her bag into the jet before jumping back out to glare into Steve's eyes.

"I promise"

"We should be back early tomorrow" Nat informed Steve as Clint boarded and took his and Natasha's bag inside.

Steve was just about to say something when his face contorted into a very weird expression before he sneezed. Hayley raised her hand to her head in a salute instantly, standing solid straight and trying not to laugh as she said;

"God Bless America"

Rogers narrowed his eyes playfully at the silver haired girl who just gave him a hug before letting out a cackle and boarding the Jet. Nat said her quick goodbye and the red head boarded as well. With Clint driving and Nat sat in the cockpit alongside side, Hayley and the Twins decided to catch up and speak whilst they set it towards Germany.

It was going to be a long seven hours, but, they were alright with that.

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