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Her depleted form crumpled to the floor, heaving and wheezing for breath as her sight became blurry with black spots and voices became distant. Everything was slowly rotating and the floor felt shaky beneath her.

Her form was picked up bridal style by Clint, her head lolling to the side as he quickly brought her into the compound and down the medical wing where she was seen to straight away.

Being admitted to her own room, her wounds were treated to and she was hooked up go an IV drip go try and feed some energy back into her system. She was encased by darkness for the next couple of days, and the Team would visit whenever they could before she was discharged and rested up in her own bed.

Hayley had however, still not waken.

Her room was caked in darkness, the curtains drawn, lights switched off and door shut. All means of light had been locked out.
Her rhythmic breathing was the only sound that filled the room as she lay motionless in her bed.

The oak door shifted open, a form entering before it shut again. They opened the curtains slightly, allowing a certain amount of light in before they took a seat by her bed in a plush chair. 

"You need to wake up Hayley"

It was Clint, he looked tired and drained...probably from lack of sleep or stress. He held her hand in his, running the pad of his thumb over her hand as a sigh left his lips. He leaned over slightly, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek and not anticipating what happened next.

"You missed" a tired voice groaned as her amber eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Huh?" Barton breathed, to shocked for words until Hayley shakily put her free hand at the back of his neck and pulled him down.

Her lips met his in a sweet, passionate kiss. A thousand feelings and unspoken words being transferred through this one display of affection that left them smiling and breathless when the two pulled apart.

"You missed" she repeated and a small grin formed on the Archer lips before he pulled her into a hug.

"I love you" he breathed shakily.

"I love you too Clint" Hayley breathed, hands running through his blonde hair as he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

"I was honestly scared when you fainted back there on the landing strip after that mission. I thought you weren't going to wake up" Barton breathed and she shuddered softly as he blew down her neck before continuing running her hands through his hair.

"How long was I out?" She whispered.

"A week"

A week. A week Clint lived through nowt knowing if she was going to wake or not. That thought pricked at her heart as she closed her eyes and hummed softly.

"I'm sorry for worrying you so much, it was intended"

He didn't answer, he just sat there, listening to her hum softly until he was lulled into a sleep. His body dropped against her form and even Hayley found herself tiring once more. Successfully lying Clint down and pulling the covers over him, she nestled into the covers and nuzzled her face into his chest.
On instinct, Barton's arms wrapped around the silver haired girls form and she was tugged closer into him as sleep welcomed her as well.

The two slept through the night, entangled in one another embrace as slumber became their new friend.

Expert Badass {Clint X Oc} ✅Where stories live. Discover now