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~Years later~

The wind kissed softly at her exposed skin, Sun warm against her frame as the Willow tree waved over head. Her hand was in a large, strong one. Calloused fingers rubbing over the back of her hands as she stared down at the slab of stone that rested before her. Behind her and to the side of her was the retired Team. Her friends. Her family.

"I'm back" Hayley started, a small, fond smile on her face as she clutched the roses in her hand tighter.
"I brought some friends, well, family. Their warmth, their protection and love. Their home. I got a second chance upon meeting them." She breathed, releasing her grasp from the strong hand that held hers and kneeling down before the marvel stone to lay the red flowers down before the stone.

A little girl ran over, blonde hair in pig tails bouncing softly as her amber eyes shined brightly. Her white sun dress fluttered softly as she stopped by Hayley's side.
She grabbed the child's hand, bringing her down besides her as they stared at the writing engraved.

"This is Riley Natalia Barton. You're niece" Hayley choked back a sob, her free hand running over the smooth surface of the grave stone.
"I thought it was about time she met her Uncle"

The little girl kissed the marble softly, running her tiny finger over the glazed material of the stone as she whispered a soft 'nice to meet you Uncle Ryan'.
The ring on Hayley's left hand glimmered softly as the sun hit it,

Natasha leaned against Bruce's chest, her ring also glimmering as she held her hand in his whilst glancing to their son who they had been lucky enough to adopt. Tony and Pepper stood hand in hand, their child also stood by the red heads side whilst holding an aged Raccoon who so happened to be Hayley's companion. Thor and Jane stood side by side, their baby girl sleeping in the scientist arms as they watched on in silence. Wanda stood by Vision with her Brother on the other side of her, eyes cast to the ground as they listened to Hayley speak. Steve, Bucky and Sam stood next to each other, staring at the stone with a strong respect for the deceased soldier. Clint moved to his wife's side, hand on her shoulder as she looked up at him through teary eyes.

She stood, hoisting Riley up before passing her to Clint and locking her gaze onto Wanda and Pietro. A gesture she did to beckon them over. They slowly walked over and she took their hands in hers.

"This is Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. They were my rock and I was theirs when everything turned dark. I forgave them, turning a new leaf and finding a friendship in both of them. I hope you can too" Hayley breathed, a smile forming on her face as everyone advance forward, almost seemingly in a group hug as they they took a moment in silence.

She loosened her grip on the twins, bringing her hands to the silver chain that rested around her neck. She tugged it off, staring down at the tags that lay in her palms. The tags. The tags that connected her to her Brother when all seemed dark and she was alone. She wasn't alone no more.

She kneeled down, laying them upon the stone amongst the roses. Her hand found Clint's and Rileys, her smile hidden behind her hair as she turned on her heel and left the grave stone with her Large family by her side.

In the blink of an eye they were gone, the only remains of them being there was a bouquet of roses and the glimmering silver of a past war. A ghost of a man stood leaning against his own grave, Amber eyes soft with his grey hair flopping over his forehead. A fond smile covered his lips as he began to fade.

'Home is where the Heart lies'

Expert Badass {Clint X Oc} ✅Where stories live. Discover now