Single tense of her leg.

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"So tell me again why you are dressed like that? I specifically remember Fury and Hill telling me at one point that you despise frilly stuff" Natasha stated, the group casually walking down the streets of the New York as they made their way to the...

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"So tell me again why you are dressed like that? I specifically remember Fury and Hill telling me at one point that you despise frilly stuff" Natasha stated, the group casually walking down the streets of the New York as they made their way to the edge of the city.

"Its a cover" Hayley replied blandly.

"What's with all the rings then?" Natasha was just full of questions tonight!

"Their power nullifiers, if I have a trip up with my powers, the rings can suppress my magic so it doesn't cause as much damage as it has the potential too" she replied, walking by Thor's side who was smiling like an idiot at nothing.
"What the hell?" She questioned under her breath, looking the idiotic God before shaking her head and jogging to Tony's side who was fully equipped in his suit.

"How's it going Hot Stuff?" His robotic voice questioned and she could almost imagine him raising a flirtatious eye brow behind that mask.

"Just fine Tin man" she smirked, and he held his hand to his heart as if she had stabbed it.

"That was just plain mean" he gasped like a child. 

"What can I say? Me being mean is defends mechanism around morons such as yourself" she shrugged.


"Yeah, the truth hurts" she chuckled before the distant voices of the thugs met their ears and they all darted into an alleyway out of sight.

"Okay,everyone know the plan?" Steve questioned and they all nodded as the soldier fed back to Bruce who was back at the tower.
"Were in position"

"Good. Hayley,"

Hayley did as she was told, walking out into the open for all the Hydra thugs to see her who instantly began smirking and cackling.

"You just don't learn do you? Love causing trouble don't ya?" The boss smirked as he dropped the crate that was no doubt filled with weapons onto the floor.

"What can I say? I'm pretty sure trouble is my middle name" she shrugged and the man advanced towards her quickly.

He breathed down her neck, playing with the ends of her hair and causing her to shudder in disgust as he whispered in her ear.

"I'm gonna have fun with you" he purred.

"Really? That's cute" she giggled. "Can you do that with a broken neck?" She questioned in a monotone voice.

Before the man had time to question her, she lifted her leg up and wrapped it around his neck, tensing until she heard it snap.
The mans lifeless body dropped to the floor and all the others men's attention moved to her as they brandished daggers and guns.

"Your seriously outnumbered here Sweetcheeks" one cackled.

"I decided to invite some friends to join in on the fun" she casually informed.

"Huh?" They breathed and one of them didn't have time to react as a red, blue and white frisbee was launched at his head and shattered his skull.

"Surprise Motherfuckers!" She shouted out before they all lunged out and the real fun began.

Hayley eyes shifted to their star filled state and mist danced in between her fingers before she launched her arm out and encased a man inside. Clutching her fist, he squirmed as the gravity around him became stronger and stronger until his whole body just collapsed in on itself.

Releasing her grip, she spun round and gripped a man by the throat who was slowly trying to advance towards her. Lifting him up as he weighed nothing but a flower, she dug her fingers into his trachea before launching him into the trucks and smashing the glass that stabbed straight through his head.

Running straight for the truck, she jumped onto the hood and then the roof before looking down on the current fight that was taking place. She slammed her foot down onto the truck, a wave of her powers spanning out on the ground and seeming to only effect the thugs who the rest of the team quickly took out when realising they were down for the count.

There was just one left now. The driver. He hopped out the truck and tried to run but Hayley somehow got her hands on a metal pipe and swung it round his head. He was down and out.

"Get in" Hayley called, getting into the trucks driving seat and waiting for the Team to pick up any left crates and put them back into the trucks before they boarded and 15 sped off.

"Looks like we are gonna be busy tomorrow" Stark huffed as Bruce fed back to him. 

"Why would you say that Brother Anthony?" Thor boomed.

"The computers have located Loki's sceptre" he informed.

"We leave in the morning" Steve ordered.

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