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A smirk graced her lips, eyes blazing as she took the lead with taking the Ultron bots out

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A smirk graced her lips, eyes blazing as she took the lead with taking the Ultron bots out. Her flames danced through the Gazebo, mixing in with the other colours of the Teams weapons and powers. 

So far, she had earned a gash to her forehead and bust lip as well as a bust nose. She had several burn marks on her neck where the bots had just missed her face and a gash was on her shoulder that looked pretty deep.

A low growl left her throat as one of the Ultron bots landed a hit to her stomach, knocking the wind out of her and resulting in her doubling over in pain.

"Shit" she breathed, heaving to catch her breathe before flicking her wrist out and setting the mechanic creature alight.

"You alright?" Clint called to her, drawing back the string of his bow and releasing an arrow right into a bots eye.

"Just peachy" Hayley grit before standing back up straight and forming an orb of fire into her hands that began to expand and expand.

Once again, it wasn't what she was expecting it to be. Snapping her arms out, waves of water attacked the incoming bots and rusted them in oblivion.
Hayley looked to the shocked team before announcing.

"That's New too"

"Rogers, we got everybody one board. Just round up a few stranglers and you're good to go" Fury called and Steve nodded before turning to the others.

"Stark? You ready?"

The billionaire just nodded before flying off.

"You all go, I will stay and protect the core. It is my job" the brunette ordered and they all just nodded before running off, even her brother left after some hesitance.

The Team cleared up the rest of the civilians and they were all about to board when Clint heard the desperate cries of a Mother for her son. He just sighed before clocking into the child's form and running of the air craft to retrieve him.

He picked up the child and was just about to run back when a jet being controlled by Ultron himself came speeding towards him. The bot cackled and Clint winced, awaiting the inevitable before noticing the speedster that stood before him. He didn't get hit either though.

Her silver hair fluttered in the wind, Amber eyes strewn shut in agony as blood soaked her clothing. Her breathing went laboured and Clint handed the kid to Pietro instantly before running to her side when she fell to the ground.

"No, no, no. Hayley, you can't do this to me."

Natasha came running over, fear and sadness etched onto her face as she looked down at her friend. They each gripped her hands, looking down at Hayley as she peeled open her eyes.

"Hey guys..." she wheezed, squeezing their hands for a sense of comfort as water, fire and mist seeped out from her body, filling the air and slowly killing the remainder of the bots.

"Hayley, you got to stay with us" Natasha pleaded.

"I'm not...going anywhere." She spluttered, eyes closing momentarily as she had an inner debate before calling them something she hadn't said since the Budapest incident.
"My little Hawk and Widow"

Their faces scrunched up and everything seemed to slow for every one as it clicked in the two assassins heads.

"Hayley" Natasha breathed, tears slipping down her face. "My little white rose in a field of darkness" Natasha whispered. It was what she souls always say to Hayley when she was feeling down and useless.

"My Dove" Clint cooed, both hands gripping hers as he finally spoke her nickname he used to call her.

She squeezed their hands one last time before the powers in the air began to fade. She wore a teary, strained smiled as her last breathe slipped away from her.

"Hayley? Hayley! You can't leave us! can't leave me" Clint sobbed, blue eyes clouded as the wind passed over them.

Agent 15 was no more.

Expert Badass {Clint X Oc} ✅Where stories live. Discover now