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Rubble crunched under her boots, dust being kicked in the air that didn't seem to affect 15 as she trodded on

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Rubble crunched under her boots, dust being kicked in the air that didn't seem to affect 15 as she trodded on. The wind was harsh against her skin and ruffled her hair and tags as she walked through what seemed to be an isolated part of the city. Her ear piece rested in her hand, the muffled buzz of the Team speaking through it reaching her ears as she ventured on. 

It wasn't long until she saw the first explosion that consisted of a red mist.

"Wanda Maximoff" she inwardly mused, finally attacking her comm to her ear and switching it on.

She came upon a secluded area where no Avenger seemed to be yet there was Ultron bots swarming like mad. She just sighed, advancing towards them and hopping onto an abandoned trucks roof which got their attention.
She just stood there, waiting and watching as the mechanic bodies crawled and lunged closer and closer to her.

"Anyone got eyes of Hayley yet?!" Clint called over the Comm at a rather convenient time as 15 released an explosion of star filled mist that shattered all bots in her immediate vicinity.

She unsheathed her sword, transporting to where Steve and Natasha was and not even thinking about slicing the head of a bot that was sneaking up on the Captain.

"About time you showed up" Tasha breathed, releasing a bot she had just shocked with her Window bites.

"What? Did I miss all the fun?"

"No, I'd say you are just in time" Steve breathed, ripping apart a bot with his bare hands that Hayley's openly goggled at.

"Damn, we are all pulling out different tricks today aren't we?!" She chuckled, ducking and rolling to avoid an incoming attack before throwing her legs out and snapping the metal creatures legs in between her thighs.

Jumping back up on her feet, the three stood back to back whilst scanning the area for more bots. Well, until the fearful scream of a woman met Steve's ears. He was off running in an instant, taking down a bot that had cornered her in a car and ripping the door of the vehicle off to save her.

"Go, get to safety!" He ordered and she nodded her head frantically before running off.

He returned back to where the other two were only to find Natasha present.

"Where's Hayley?"

"She said she had something to take care of" Romanova answered and the super soldier just furrowed his brows before shrugging and continuing to aid Widow in fight.

Hayley ran through the dusted streets of a broken Sokovia, looking for a high point that she could get too. A stone gazebo. Perfect. She scaled the pillars in the blink of an eye, fumbling to her feet as she stood atop of the structure.  In the air, coming over a group of clouds was a massive, black air craft that Hayley recognised instantly. The Helicarrier.

"Miss me Rogers?"

"Fury you son of a bitch"

"Dragged her out with a couple old friends, she was dusty, had a few moth balls. She'll do. We'll work on getting the civilians clear of the island"

Jets and crafts were then deployed from the Helicarrier and so were Agents whose jobs was to find all civilians and get them to safety.
Hayley idly watched before all the Avengers, the two enhanced and the red android gathered in the gazebo to protect the core.

"Does anyone know where Hayley went?" Steve called and once again, at a a rather convenient time.

An orb of what she believed to be star filled mist formed in her hands and it grew  before she snapped her arms out and made it explode. She was in for a shock when  colours of orange and red met her sight. Fire.

It exploded outwards, everybody in the Gazebo taking cover but even as the fire consumed them, it didn't effect them. It however, did effect the Ultron bots who melted away.

"What the fuck was that?!" Tony cussed and Hayley finally appeared.

She stood at the edge of the gazebos roof and hopped down to swing from the edge whilst grinning at her team.

"Hey guys!" She cheered, not even noticing Thor's warning of a bot advancing towards her as she threw her legs out and snapped its neck as if it was second nature.

"Was that explosion you?" Clint asked and she just examined the damaged done on the remains of the bots before hesitantly nodding.

"Did you know you could do that?" Natasha shouted over the noise of the fighting.

"Nope, but I am gonna try it again!"

And flames danced in her eyes and her hands.

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