Good Boy

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Next day rolled over and it felt good for Hayley to wake in her own bed and room. Chip was rooting through what drawers he could reach to get to her secret stash of sweets to which she just giggled at before scooping him up and placing him atop of her head. Preoccupied with playing with her hair, Hayley rubbed her eyes to get sleep dust out of them before leaving her room and heading to the kitchen.

The whole team was surprisingly up and there, even Pepper had stayed the night and decided to prolong her stay with breakfast before leaving for work.
Their gazes all turned to her and she flashed them a smile before something unexpected happened.
Two daggers were launched her way, one would hit her stomach and one would hit Chip.

Her eyes widened before they shifted state, raising Chip of her head without using her hands, he was put out of harms way as she cart wheeled to the side to avoid the dagger.

"What the fuck guys?" Hayley shouted, catching her companion in her hands as he squeaked his usual sound.

"We had to make sure it was truly you" Steve called and her scowl just deepened as Chip scampered off into the kitchen to grab food he could eat.

"We knew you would have dodged it anyway" Sam shrugged off but Hayley wasn't dropping the subject just yet.

"I don't care if you endangered me, but you endangered Chip. What would you guys have done if my powers suddenly blocked and that dagger ran Chip through?" She snapped, picking up said animal who now had a bag of chocolates in hand.

"Look, Hayley. We're sorry but..."

"Whatever Steve, if you don't believe I am who I truly say I am then I will be out of your hair and gone" she huffed, spinning on her heel and storming out of the common room to retreat to her own room where she began to pack.

The door slammed shut behind her and it locked as she began to throw her clothes and belongings into a Duffel bag. She had changed and was about halfway through packing when the door slammed open and in walked Tony.

He didn't even say anything, just took her hand in his and guided her out of the room as Chip fell asleep on her bed. Hayley wasn't going to go with him to wherever he was going without a fight though.

She tugged and whined like a child, digging her feet into the rug of the floor to try and slow Stark down but he had a strong vice grip on her. The two stumbled upon the common room where everyone sat on the couches talking to a man with long brown hair who made his way in from the kitchen.

Her eyes narrowed in slits, a low growl emitting from her throat. Stark found this to be a convenient time to release her hand. She vaulted onto the man large form, legs wrapping around his neck and her body twisting, sending him to the floor before he even had time to comprehend what was happening. He lay on his back, Hayley's heeled foot atop of his chest as she stared down into his brown eyes.

"Remember me? I sure remember you" Hayley hissed, watching as his eyes widened in recognition.

Fire danced in her hands, weaving in and out of her fingers as her eyes flickered in the same state.

"Hayley!" Steve scolded, standing from his seat ready to grab the girl who had brought his best friend to the floor.

"You can't expect me to just greet him with open arms Steve. He's the main reason I lost all that I thought I had" she snapped, eyes blazing as she pressed more weight onto the brunettes form whilst glaring at Steve.

The blonde didn't even have time I respond, the brunette latched his metal arm onto Hayley's foot and tugged, effectively switching positions but he kept her down by straddling her waist.
The anger dissolved from Hayley's face, instead it was replaced with a smirk as she took on the Soldiers silent challenge.

He smirked down at her, thinking he had her pinned until she wrapped her legs around his head and twisted her body, making him tumble off her. He fumbled to his feat instantly, but she already had her legs around his waist and slammed her fist into his nose. Yep, that was bust. He went tumbling down, back slamming against the floor as he groaned.

"I give" he wheezed.

"Good boy"

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