What did you expect?

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"Shh, be quite Pietro

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"Shh, be quite Pietro..."

"I still can't believe the old man perked up the courage."

The two lovers were not impressed to awake to the whole Team cooeing and aweing at them. Chip wasn't either who slept at the edge of the bed in a fur ball.

"You guys done?" Clint mumbled, and the two noticed that the whole Team visibly stiffened when Hayley slowly began to raise her head. Natasha was smart, she made a Bee line for it as soon as.

The silver haired girl clutched at a thrown pillow that had migrated to the floor and with all her strength, she threw it at the person who stood at her front of the group. Pietro. It slapped right into his face and Wanda just snickered to herself before Stark began to talk.

"I'm throwing a party tonight, in celebration of your first mission being a success since you came back to us" the billionaire beamed.

"Stark, you throw a party for the most smallest things I have ever heard off" she groaned, hiding her face into Clint's chest and trying to forget that they were all there in the first palace.

"I'm Tony Stark, what do you expect" 

With that, the Team left and the two were left go sleep some more before they actually decided to wake up.

~Time Skip~

It was Chip who woke them up, squeaking and whining for food. The two let out a string of hesitant groans before finally sitting up.

"Chip. I love you, I really do. If you wake me up again though I will take away your chocolate privileges"

The raccoon silence instantly and Clint couldn't help the laugh that bubbled from his lips to which Hayley sheepishly smiled at.

"God, I love you" he chuckled before kissing her.

"I love you too"

And that was there day started since it was nine in the morning. The three exited the room and padded down into the kitchen where the scent of pancakes attacked their senses. They practically jumped into their seats by the table to which the others laughed at before Rogers placed a plate full of pancakes before them each.

"Thanks Steve" Hayley called with a grin before she looked to the whining Chip once more.
"What? You don't want chocolate but you want what I am having?"

Chip just smushed her cheeks in his hands and squeaked loudly before she handed him a pancake that he wolfed down.

"Fat sod" Hayley grumbled before she herself tucked into her breakfast.

The serenity wasn't kept long, a booming voice filled the room to which caught everyone's attention.

"Brother Steven!"

"Thor!" Hayley called like a giddy child.

"Lady Rose?!"

She grinned before pulling out her seat and running for the God to be enveloped into a massive Bear Hug.

"It is good to see you alive and well Lady Rose"

"It's good to see you to Thor" she grinned as he settled her down, and then her gaze caught another frame hesitantly walking into the room.

Said mans eyes widened at who had shouted for him before she attacked him into a hug.

"Glad to see you back Bruce" Hayley grinned.

"I could say the same to you, but how?" The scientist questioned in wonder.

"Long story" Hayley drawled before she seated herself back by Clint and the other two also took a seat by the table after a chorus of 'Welcome Backs' from the Team.

"You cane back with good timing if I am honest" Stark smirked as he drank from his cup of coffee.

"Why would you say that Brother Anthony?" The God boomed over a mouthful of pancakes.

"I'm hosting a part for Hayley's first mission being a success since she had come back"

"Congratulations Lady Rose"

"You guys do know that I have been on more missions than all of yours combined right?" She sighed whilst tugging her pancake from Chip that he tried to steal of her plate.

"Don't care" Stark stated blandly. "We are celebrating"

Hayley had successfully pried the pancake from her raccoon companion and let out a triumphant laugh as she shoved the piece in her mouth the gloat in the animals face.

"Haha, in your face!" She laughed and Chip just grumbled before jumping onto Clint's lap to sulk.

"Yeah...I'm not gonna question that" Sam chuckled before he watched the Critter hop from Clint's lap to Steve's as he took a seat.

"I'm guessing you made friends for that short amount of time I told you to look after him?" Hayley raised her brow as she sipped on her coffee.


"Well he does have a lot in common with Buck. The smudged eye liner, eats tons of junk, stays up late. Acts rabid when he wants to"

"Hey!" Bucky shouted.

"No offence Boo Bear" Hayley brushed off with a shrug whilst watching Chip tug at Steve's blond hair with one hand and Bucky's with the other.

"Oh, and he can multitask"

"Barnes can't multitask!" Sam pointed.

"Yeah he can. He can fuck up ten different things at once"

Everyone burst out in laughter.

"Yeah...guess I could say that's true"

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