Chapter 1

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The moment Pikachu's lips met mine, my world was spinning. 

Of course, it was not the actual Pikachu. No, it was simply the plushie that guarded my room and sat on the corner of my bed. I had grabbed him off of my covers when I woke up, suddenly feeling time for some lovin'. He stared up at me with sparkly black plastic eyes and was completely squishable. But for the moment, I'll pretend he is real. So, my lips continued to clumsly mesh with the yellow pokemon. Before to long, though, I was interrupted by a barking laugh.

"Danny, you know that's practically beastiality, right?" My brother's strong voice said, giggles escaping during the sentence. He used a common nickname for me, a shortened version of my full name Danika. I glared at him and his movie star good looks.

"At least I'm gettin' some!" I shot back quickly, and dumbly, because it was useless. My brother, Sam, had plenty of beautiful girlfriends, currently a spicey redhead named Lyric. She suited him perfectly, matching his wavy flaxen hair, toned muscles, and bright blue eyes. He rose a perfectly trimmed brow at me.

"And by some you're referring to a toy, right?" Sam said, no longer joking. I stayed silent.

"That's what she said!" Another voice shouted, laughing wildly. I bit my lower lip to hide my own laughter, because it was my brother's jerk face best friend, Austin. I hated him. 

He sauntered into my room along with my brother, completely uninvited. He, like my brother, had great looks and was incredibly popular. He was an idiot and constantly mad fun of me as a kid. His sexy brown eyes and brown hair had left me tongue tied on more than one occasion, but I would never let him know that.

"Just get out and let me get dressed!" I shouted, clutching my Pikachu to my chest. I suddenly became very self-conscious with all these beautiful people in my room. Even though Sam and I shared the same genes, he got all the beauty. I would say I got the brains, but he's even smarter than me. 

I guess I got the nerd genes, then.

Sam rolled his eyes dramatically while Austin's face contorted into disgust.

"Let's get out before it takes off its clothes!" He said, earning a gulty chuckle from Sam. I got up out of my bed, angered, and shooed them out of my room, slamming the door. I heard another loud laugh from Austin, and a mumble from Sam.

I slugged back to the middle of my room, looking at the mirror that remained in the corner of my Doctor Who poster covered room. In the reflection, a short, big frizzy haired blonde girl stared back at me. Her skin was to pale, and her big eyes only looked buggy and a bit creepy. She had a small stature, mostly covered by her long tangled hair.

I sighed, deeply. 

I quickly shed my clothes, shivering at the cold. I slipped on my clothes, a Pacman long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of bootcut jeans. I quickly tied my hair up and put on my thickly rimmed glasses. I didn't wear makeup; couldn't afford it, and didn't like it. Besides, no one would notice me even if I did wear some.

I walked down the stairs, my stomach growling. I entered the kitchen, Sam and Austin were howling at something, stuffing their faces with Eggo waffles. I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some Frosted Flakes, sitting across from the two boys. I remained quiet, while Sam couldn't shut his mouth. Austin looked over at me for a second, smirking.

"So, Chewbacca, going with the 'just-got-mauled-by-a-buffalo' look again, huh?" Austin said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glared at him from behind my cereal, seeing a smug look on his face.

"So, Frankenstien, going with the 'constipated-Justin-Bieber' look again?" I said, in the same condescending tone. Sam laughed awkwardly, Austin's eyes narrowing. 

"Couldn't think of another come back?" He said in an accusing tone, raising a brow.

"Couldn't you think of a better one for me to copy?" I said, trying not to laugh. Truthfully, Austin is hilarious when he's mad. It's one of the reasons that I provoke him oh so much.

"Guys..." Sam mumbled, running his hand through his perfect blonde hair. He got up, looking at Austin in the eyes, mumbling something about it being not worth it.

I got up, too, and left the room. Part of me wishes that Sam would have just stayed out of it, but the other part of me knows it was useless. Austin will always win, and even if he won't, he'll still win the moment I step onto school grounds. He could sick the cheerleaders on me. (Not like he had the brains to, though.) I sigh over this as I lace up my converse, which are to big for my size 6 feet. 

Obnoxious honking blares through my eardrums, probably my best and only friend, Cathy. She's a drop-dead-gorgeous burnette that could make any boy(or girl) drop to their knees. She fits in perfectly with our home of Miami, where beautiful people go to spawn. I get the message and grab my messanger bag, walking toward the front door, where someone has blocked my path.

Obviously, it's Austin. I rise a brow.

"Get out of my way." I say, without a hint of politeness.

He chuckles, grabbing my arm when I make a move for the doorknob. Damn. Austin pulls on me closer to him, using the other hand the lift my chin up. By now, I imagine that The Human Tourch couldn't have a hotter face. I wish I wasn't looking up at him, his perfectly dark, entrancing eyes starring back into my baby blues because it's only making me more embarrassed. 

I forget everything that I hate about him, every time I wish he would just die, and fall into the trance he's set up. He seems to be leaning in, almost so slow it's torture. I part my dry lips, wetting them out of a nervous habit.

"Austin..." I mumbled, so soft I wonder if I even say it. I find my eyes closing, and I'm leaning in too. I forget that I shouldn't be doing this the minute I feel his hot breath against my face. By now, we're so close that there's only a millimeter of distance between us. 

Of course, it's that moment when he pulls back, laughing.

I snap out of it, my eyes widening with pure, unadulterated humiliation. Austin points to me, laughing awkwardly. He turns away from me, his back shaking with chuckles.

"You really thought I was going to kiss you, didn't you? Damn, Danny, I knew you were a nerd, but I didn't think you were that stupid!" He said, avoiding my eyes.

I feel tears beginging to whell up in my eyes, and I wipe them from behind my glasses. I rush out the door, this time not stopped, and rush into Cathy's red bug. I open the passanger door and slam it shut, by now sobbing.

"What's wrong, Dan?" She says, immediately putting a hand on my shoulder. I sob even harder.

"I-I..." I start hiccuping and my sentence becomes incoherant to even me. Cathy doesn't ask, she just gives me an awkward hug because she's already buckled in.

"Austin is just a douche bag, Danika." She mumbles, and starts driving. I don't reply, I just quiet my sobs and lean against the window of the passanger seat. Sometimes I wonder how Cath knows it's always about Austin, but I guess its just that obvious. So, I suppose I should clear something up.

I am completely in love with the king of all assholes, Austin.

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