Chapter 16

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So Keegan was totally making out with me in a small, abandoned hallway. Holy shit! What happened to me? Me, Danika Walker, actually making out with a guy I've known for less than a day. Strangely, I thought of Jeremey, who I planned on avoiding for...well, honestly, for forever.

"You're better than this,'" Jeremey's voice in my head rang.

Yeah, maybe, but now I'm noticed. Before, if I wanted to be looked at, Austin would have to humiliate me. So I let Keegan kiss me, even though he was kind of bad at it and I didn't like the amount of tongue. Whatsoever.

"What would Austin think of you now?"

I don't care what he thinks.

"Just like you didn't mean to hurt me, right? I loved you, Danika. Worshiped you," his voice rang, and I didn't like how much it sounded like Jeremey.

And after all, he'll get over me. Plus, his arguement is groundless. It's not like I've done anything bad. Only a day I've been dressing like this. 

And what can one day possibly do?

Keegan was moving to fast. He was freaking me out, mumbling about how pretty I was and how he couldn't wait...

I pushed him away a bit, but he came back even harder. I pushed him away a final time.

"I, uh, I have to go. Bye," I mumbled. I walked away, ignoring Keegan calling my name. He must have given up after a while because I heard hard, slow footsteps walking away.

I don't know why, but my head started to ache and my throat closed up.

One Week Later

Jeremey doesn't talk to me. Ever since I started to hear his advising though sometimes patronizing voice in my head I've tried to talk to him. Well, okay, not to hard. But still. 

And Austin, you may ask? He hasn't given me a damn second glance. This whole transformation thing was useless. He didn't even want me. He never will. 

Keegan has spread the rumor that he got to 3rd base with me, which is of course untrue. I'm not really, well, correcting him though. I should, but at this point, I don't think anyone would believe me.

So I just pick at my lunch, a salad, and listen to Keegan tell the story to some over eager peer once again.

Cathy glares at them and mumbles, "I wish you would say something."

I shrug, flipping my pin straight hair over my shoulder. Today I'm wearing a lacy, old fashioned top that cuts off high at the hips and skin tight jeans, plus lime heels.

"Seriously, Danny. How can you just listen to him lie about you?" I shot her a glare.

"It just doesn't matter to me, okay? It's not like I did anything," I say.

"Maybe not, but plenty of people certainly think you did. Austin, too, probably."

I look away and poke at my lunch, crossing my legs. Keegan gets to the best point of his tale, something that makes me squirm everytime he says it.

"She swallowed, too! God damn, it was so good. I practically screamed!"

Cathy's eyes squint into hateful little slits, her hands balling into small fists. Her jaw set, and I could tell her teeth were grinding together. I put my hand on hers, trying to calm her down, but my attempt was in vain. She stood up and stomped over to Keegan.

"Why don't you shut up, asshole?" She growled through pursed lips. I blushed, but didn't crawl into myself like I wanted to.

"Wasn't talkin' to you, Anderson," he hissed.

"Now you are. So why don't you shut your god damn mouth before I make you?" Cathy hissed straight back, not missing a beat. Keegan smiled and stood up, towering over Cathy by a few inches. He got close and looked down at her, but she remained unfazed.

"I'm not afraid to hit a girl, babe," Keegan whispered, but for everyone to hear. For a second, he looked back at me, but then returned to Cathy. I continued to poke at my lunch. Cathy smiled.

"Neither am I," she said, and brought her knee up violently to his crotch. My eyes widened the same time Keegan's did. He let out a grunt, falling to the ground. Cathy's grin spread wider, crossing her arms.

"Are you done?" She asked, and he let out a slight nod and growl. I got up immediately, abandoning my lunch but grabbing my bag. I walked over to Cathy quickly, holding onto her elbow and dragging her away before anything else could happen.

"If you talk shit again, I will castrate your ass!" Cathy called back as we exited the lunchroom. I stopped pulling her and frowned at her large grin.

"You didn't have to knee him, Cathy," I mumbled, pouting. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, whatever. You totally wanted me to rip out his ding dong right there."

I laughed, but retained my worried look. "You're so going to get in trouble."

"And I so don't care!" She said, her eyes wide as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I giggled.

"I thought you were going to eat his face!" I admitted, making her laugh.

"I thought about it."

I laughed again, and when I was just about to say something, I bumped into someone, dropping my bag and theirs.

"Oh, wow. I'm really sorry," I mumbled, before looking up and seeing dark, dark eyes staring back at me. My throat closed as I fell into perspiration. I bit my lip, handing them their blue bag.

"Hi, Austin."

He looked at me, down and up again, as if taking me in. Austin had a strange look on his face before smiling brightly.

"No problemo, Chewbacca. See you later," he said, before running off to two guys, who laughed when he came over. 

I looked down at myself, my throat on the brink of shutting tightly forever. I felt a hand on my shoulder and comforting mumbles, but I didn't care. I fingered the end of my shirt, fighting back a waterfall of tears in my eyes.

"It didn't work, Cathy. He really doesn't care," I said before leaning into Cathy's comforting shoulder.


Guess what? This is probably going to be the last sad chapter. Yay! No more sad face! Anyone hate Keegan? Love Cathy? Angry with Austin? Comment and tell me. Sorry it took me a while to get this out. But I'm tired of writing Danika and Austin so sad, so I'm going to lighten things up later on. :)

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