Chapter 5

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Wow. I'm getting some pretty regular comments. Awesome. :) But I'm going to be one of those selfish authors for a sec. Sorry. Now, I love my constant commenters to bits and pieces, gabi_books and ILoveBieber, I'd like someone else to comment.


In fact, to make my point even more serious, I have an idea. I can give you readers a little treat....or I could give you a punishment. Two different roads. So, if in the next two updates I don't get another commenter, I will choose punishment. Which is a shame, 'cuz the treat is pretty good. 

Please comment, vote, and stuff! :)

Onto the story!


Honors English is getting really, really strange. 

Currently, we're reading The Odyssey, a classic, and not even a very abridged one. Which surprised me, since sophmore classes don't usually have something like that. I'm enjoying it, though. Plus, Ms. Filbert calls on me a lot and I get the answer right, so my classmates have started to give me some props.

So, everything should be good, right? I mean, I'm reading a great book and I'm having fun in class. What could possibly be wrong?

Austin, of course.

Ever since the...regrettable tickling instance, he's been looking at me weird. Like he doesn't know what to think of me. I knew things would be awkward. I told Cathy to stop. But it still shouldn't be this bad, right? I mean, I know I act weird when tickled, but it isn't like it was some dramatic situation. Maybe it's worse than I thought. Great. Now I have to worry about Austin thinking I'm some sort of slut. Like the ones that always hang around him. I bite my lip, regretting the thought of girls ever hanging on him.

I turn around to see if he's looking at me. He is. Austin's brown eyes look weird, sort of like he was hiding something behind them. I take pride of knowing everything that happens in that boys magical eyes, and this look was definitely new. I blushed and turned around, my hair whipping around me. 

The bell rung and Austin couldn't have gotten out faster, leaving the sluts who usually hang around him confused(which makes me wonder how they ever got into this class in the first place). I pout and get up myself, grabbing loose papers and books. My hands are full as I scramble out of the room after him, bumping into several people.

"Austin!" I say, making him turn back to me. Some people look at me, all with the same look. What is she doing talking to him? And normally, I'd agree with him, but I didn't care about that. While I was walking up to him, I quickly stole a glance to a window to check my hair. Huh. Not to bad, and at least I didn't have any pimples at the moment.

I got to Austin, quickly adjusting a book that was about to fall. I brushed some hair out of my face and looked up at him. I wanted to smile, but I didn't.

"Um, so are you alright?" I ask, unsure of how to go about this. I saw something flash in his face before he covered it with his usual, 'I'm-cooler-than-an-ice-cap' attitude.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why, Chewbacca? God." He said, his voice brimming with a rude demeanor. I was taken aback. I mean, sure, we were never best friends, but I was thinking he wouldn't be this rude.

"Okay, then could you stop looking at me weird? It's really freaking me out." It actually wasn't, I was enjoying the attention a little, but I wanted to be rude, too. 

I noticed that the number of students in the hallway were dwindling, so I knew we should be getting to our classes. But I didn't care. Austin gave me a weird look again, but quickly switched back to the normal-what I'm suspecting to be-facade.

"There it is again! Why do you keep doing that whenever I'm around?" I was proding a bit to much, but it didn't matter. I wanted to remain confident. Austin looked around for a minute, noticing that the only other student in the hallway was at the very end of it, far from us. Now, the itch to get to class was bothering me more. I tried not to show this.

Austin grabbed my hand, and before I could do a mental high spring, almost through me into a bathroom. A boys bathroom. I blushed a bit, this reminding me a bit to much of a dream I once had. Austin locked the door and took a long, deep breath.

"I have to go to class." I blurted out, like horrible word vomit. Austin rose a brow, looking at me like I had the bubonic plague. I tried to stop a blush.

"Really, Austin, I-"

"Listen, Chewbacca, if this is going to happen, you really need to shut up." My mouth closed like a clamp when he said that. He ran a hand through his hair, and I noticed he hadn't looked at me since we got in here.

I couldn't help but feel a bit happy. I've never been one to rebel, and missing classes was totally not me.  Without realizing it, I had started to smile. Austin finally looked over at me, and I quickly changed to a nonchalant expression.

"You-" he paused, thinking about something. "Do you remember a few days ago? On Monday? I...I, um..."

"Are you referring to that morning?" My voice was tiny, and I left out when you were about to kiss me? He nodded sharply.

"I...I was going to, you know." He mumbled, trying not to meet my eyes. I blushed harder than I ever have in my entire life. He was going to kiss me?

"You were going to what?" My voice sounded pathetic. Like I was scared of his response, which I wasn't. More like I was excited.

"Kiss you." He said, sternly. It sounded like he didn't want to admit it, which made me a bit mad. 

"Why?" I asked, though it earned a glare from him. I shuddered visibly.

"That is exactly my problem." He mumbles and moves closer to me, backing me into a corner. I drop my books and backpack as he places his hands on either side of my shoulders, making it difficult to move. He gets closer to me. I surpress a squeal, but it's still audible. A smirk pulls at Austin's lips.

"So you're into me, huh?" He mumbles, the smirk almost audible through his voice. I babble something unintelligent, making him snicker. I, feeling almost bold, look up at him slightly. Of course, he looks like an object of perfection. He's incredibly sexy, and I bite my lip from knowing what to do. 

"You're so obvious, Dan..." He said, brushing some stray hair out of my face. I knit my brows together.

"Obvious?" I mumble, pouting a little. I've never thought about it, but maybe I am. Austin snickered again.

"Yes, Chewbacca. Extremely so." He mumbled, leaning in. I blushed a bit, but I was leaning in as well. 

I could feel his lips almost touching mine, and my breathing's speed had increased rapidly. I could feel his heartbeat through our clothes. My mind was going crazy, and I was begging for our lips to touch. We were maybe a centimeter, a milimeter apart. 

So close...

Then, of course, Jeremey came tumbling out of one of the stalls. His eyes were wide and a blotchy, deep blush stained his white skin. He looked terrified. Instantly, I pushed Austin away from me as Jeremey unlocked the door and ran out.

"Jeremey!" I called out, my brow softening in pity. I felt bad for him, and I certainly didn't want him to feel to bad. Though, as I was gathering my books from the ground, my wrist was grabbed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Austin growled, his grip on my wrist tightening. It hurt, and I still had bruises from yesterday. Not only that, but Austin terrified me when he was angry. Not playful angry, like when he's teasing me. But literal rage? That was scary. He glared at me with those eyes that always made me breathless. Now they made me want to run away.

"I'm going after him." I mumble, my voice wavering. Austin's grip softened for a minute. Using this oppurtunity, I ripped my arm from him and broke through the stall, running after Jeremey. 


Eh, sorry for the almost kiss. Poor Jeremey. X) Remember to vote, babes! Also, while the picture is clearly not of Danika, it is her hair. Just giving you a visual.

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