Chapter 19

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As soon as I opened the door, Austin grinned like The Grinch. I swallow, but remember to keep my posture straight in faux confidence. I raise an eyebrow.

"Is there something you need?" I said cooly. Ooo. Point one to Team Danika.

His grin transforms into a smirk as he says, "Yeah. Do you want to go on a date tonight? Or maybe this Friday?"

Wait, what? 

My eyes widen as I recalculate. Team Austin deserves a point. I stare at him for a bit to see if he's serious. He says nothing, just retains the expectant look in his beautif-um, boring brown eyes. 

"Well?" Austin asks after a second.

"I won't wear any make up," I say immediately. He smiles brightly.

"Fantastic. I don't like girls covered in make up, anyway." Liar, my mind called. He had to be lying.

"I won't wear fancy clothes either. I'll wear a raggy comic book shirt," I say, still testing him.

"Fine with me."

"And my hair? Expect it to be a tornado of tangles."

"I like tornados."

I paused and scrunch up my eyebrows. Whatever game he's playing, I don't get it. 

"Okay, I'll bite. What do you want? Did Keegan talk to you?" I say, even though I'm begging that Keegan kept his trap shut. I'll explode if that's what Austin came for.

Austin, though, keeps up the act of feigning innocence. His eyes blaze with anger, but only for a second, as he smiles a tight smile.

"Yeah, he did. But someone told me he was an idiot, so I didn't listen to him," he explains. I bite my lip so I keep from squealing. Jeesh, I'm hokey. 

"I still won't dress up," I growl.

Austin continues, "Honestly, Dan, I don't care much about your appearance. Wear a paper bag for all I care. I'm more into your whole incredibly smart, hilarious, sweet, and unique thing you have going for you. You being hot is just a bonus."

"Seriously?" I asked. My heart skipped a beat. This is like something out of a cheesy romance novel you get at Safeway. Still, he looked like he wasn't kidding.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, seriously. Would you just say yes already?"

I narrowed my eyes. Fine. "Sure. I'll see you at my place, 8 o'clock. Sam's going out with Lyric tonight, anyway."

Austin smiled brightly, sort of freaking me out. Since when does he smile like that? "Do you need me to pick you up at work?"

I shook my head. "I quit."

His smile faultered. "Oh. That sucks. I liked that you worked there." 

"Yeah, well, now I don't," I hissed. I know I was acting mean, but I also knew he was a liar. He was just going to make fun of me. 

Still, he smiled. "Okay. I'll see you at 8."


I stabbed my food with my fork, making sure to scarp it against the plate audibly. 

It was now 8:15, and I had let my hair do it's au natural thing, and I was wearing loose jean shorts and a gray Spider Man shirt that had an unremovable mustard stain on it. Austin, however, looked fantastic in artfully 'destroyed' jeans and a white shirt, better to show off his amazing tan. It was clear he had put thought into his outfit. Which was weird.

Austin and I were sitting in my kitchen, eating dinner, neither one of us saying anything. We were sort of having a staring contest, like, who can intimidate the other one more. Though, while I was glaring, he was smirking, taking a sip of his water. 

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

One minute. 

Two minutes. 

Five minutes.

That's it, I think, and stand up, slamming my hands on the table. Battle Beyond by Crunk Witch was softly playing from my iPod in the background, as Austin scrunched up his eyebrows, rather adorably. He opened his mouth to speak, but I held up my hand.

"Okay. You want a damn confession? You want to embarrass me? Fine. I love you. I have for a while. No get the hell out before I have to make you," I say, though my voice is a bit unsteady. Dammit. I felt my throat close, my eyes begining to water. Frick. I bit my lip harshly.

"Listen, Danny, I-" He starts, but I interrupt him again.

"No, you listen! I'm sick of being stupid around you! I hate it! I hate you for doing this! And you know what? I'm starting to hate me, too. Do you always have to make me feel so insecure, all the time? I'm tired of it. Get the hell out of my house, before I start sobbing!" I scream, but it's to late. Tears are running down my face. I guess I'm lucky I'm not wearing make up.

Suddenly, Austin is hugging me. And I really, really wish he wasn't so perfect to me. So I start yelling into his chest, 'I hate yous, you sucks, go aways', but I'm hugging him back. Right now, I just want a hug, because I don't actually want to be mad at him. 

He whispers, "I'm sorry," into my hair, really quietly, so I have to strain to hear him. He pulls away slightly and smiles at me. I offer him a half smile and stand on my tippy toes to kiss him. And he kisses back. We break it and both grin brightly.

"Awesome," I whisper. He chuckles and brushes a lock of my hair out of my face. 

"I know I don't really deserve it, but do you think we could try... us? I mean, I really like you, and I-" I cut him off by kissing him. He smiles into it and kisses back.

"You really like to cut me off, huh?" I nodd, making him laugh. 

"Get used to it," I say with a smile.

"I don't-" I kiss him again, and it's easily the best kiss I've ever had, even though he laughes into it. And I can't help but think that things will only get better from here. Including the kisses.

I'll stay right here fighting for you,

I will never let you down, 

I will never let them through...


(Sobs) Now only the epilogue... And let me explain Danny's little mood change: She always loved Austin, and she just wanted him to love her back. So she kind of just had to scream it out... Sorry if it was bad, and I'm sorry it took so long. Thanks everybody! The final epilogue will be up in about 30 minutes! (Or it's free. Like pizza.)

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