Chapter 9

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Woah, man. I am pretty happy. I have gotten some fans! Thank yooooouuuuuuuuuuu! <3 

Either way, I find it cool as frick, so here's an update. Sorry it wasn't out earlier!

(BTW, any time I don't specify whose POV it is, it's Danika's.)


I opened the door to my house wildly, making it bounce against the wall. I made sure it was closed before slumping into the living room. I had walked home, ignoring Cathy. I flung myself on the couch, grabbing the phone that was on the opposing coffee table, I called my work. Seth-I did remember his name-answered, and when I let him know I wasn't coming in today, he gave his usual grumble.

"You're not staying home from something personal, right?" He said in the phone, and I never realized how scratchy his voice was. I fake a cough.

"N-no...I'm just not feeling well. You know I love the store. I would never just ditch." Lies, lies, lies. I'm just as bad as Austin.

I feel my lips pull down into a frown. Seth paused.

"Well, okay. Just hurry up and get better. I won't cover your shifts again, Danika." He said, and I could almost see his snarl through the phone. I gulped, picking at the fuzz on my jeans.

"O-okay-cough-see you tomorrow?" I ask, but Seth's already hung up. I sigh, throwing the phone to the floor with an audible thump.

"Saaaaaammmm! Can you get me some water?" I say, maybe croaked, but I got no reply. I groaned, forcing myself to get up. I trudged up my stairs, leaning my head against Sam's door.

"Hey, Sam?" I ask, and for a moment I wonder if he's even home, but I saw his car outside. I decide to just open the door, despite the clichéd sign that read, 'BEWARE'.

The door flings open, showing his beautiful red headed girlfriend straddling his lap. I rose a brow, watching her face turn pink as she kisses Sam on the cheek and squeezes past me with her size 2 waist.

I watch her run out the front door, mumbling a quick goodbye. I turn to Sam, crossing my arms. He blushes a bit, but his grin is plastered on his face.

"What? Lyric is my girlfriend." He says smugly. I shrug. 

"Whatever, could you get me some water?" I ask, because I'm not amused. He pouts and gets up, looking at my face funny.

"What's wrong, Danny-Bear?" He asks, his concern faltering under a smug smirk. I hit him on the arm,  hiding my smile when he fake winces.

"Don't call me that." Danny-Bear is what I'm referring to, a horrible nick name my mom only addressed me as. She confuses me with a three year old. Sam rolls his eyes.

"Seriously, though, what's up?" He asks as he walks down the stairs, following me. I bite my lip so I don't say something embarrassing like, 'Your best friend broke my heart. Again.' or 'Does Chewbacca mean 'I love you' in boy?'

I shudder. "Nothing." I quickly say, mumbling. We're in the kitchen now, and I can see his credulous look.

"Uh huh. Save it for Mom and Dad, Dan. Now what's actually wrong?" He asks, handing me a cup. Our hands both hold the cup, lingering. I pull it away quickly, going to sink.

"Do you-" I clear my voice-"Do you think that it's okay if a boy kisses you, admits to liking you, then just shoots you down? Like, insults you and teases you?" I want to face palm my forehead. That sounded so stupid, even though it happened.

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