Chapter 10

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:D Enjoy! I have kind of gotten obsessed to the whole write before the chapter thing. I hate it when writers do that, but I love doing it.

Super hipocrtitical! :D


My covers were ripped off of me, and I grumbled and shivered accordingly. I scrunched up my eyes to unblur and see Cathy and Sam, both arms crossed.

"Get up." Sam said, and I shook my head. Cathy looked more concerned, picking up my glasses. She hands them to me, and I put them on my nose.

"Come on, Danny. You shouldn't be wasting your life over a guy." She said, sitting on the edge of my bed. I refused to meet her eyes.

"I'm not. I've decided to hate him." I say, not caring if I sounded immature. I didn't want to love Austin anymore. He was cruel. Someone like that doesn't deserve my love. 

Or my first kiss, I think bitterly. I make myself believe that he was horrible, poking holes in the 'World's Best Kiss Ever'. Cathy and Sam shared a confused look.

"But, hun... You love him..." Cathy mumbled, putting a hand on my knee. I yank my leg away.

"You do?!" Sam says, surprised, but Cathy and I ignore it.

"Even you say that I shouldn't. And I'm sick of it. He's killing me." I say, grabbing my shoulders. Cathy's eyes flash some emotion I don't place, before it's changed with anger.

"But you love him!" She protests, and I see Sam's mouth open to say something in the corner of my eye. I glare at Cathy, something I rarely do.

"Can you just let me believe that it doesn't hurt to see him? To hear him fling insults at me and still expect me to be there? For him to just kiss me like he would any other girl?! I know I'm not special to him, so I won't let him be special to me!" Near the end of my speech I'm shouting, and I know I'm being hysterical. I look at Cathy and Sam, whose mouths are opening and closing like goldfish. Sam speaks first.

"Jeremey insults you?" He says, angrily. Cathy and I look at him with a very credulous look.

"We're talking about Austin, Sammy." Cathy says. Sam's eyes widen and he looks at me, finally registering what's happening.

"You love Austin?" He asks, looking at me with shocked eyes. I nodd, biting my lip. He gulps.

"Does he know?" Sam asks after a long moment. I shrug.

"He knows I like him, or am at least attracted to him, but I don't think he knows how much I..." My voice trails off. I remind myself that I hate Austin now.

"You didn't...But, I...Of course you are."  He says finally. Sam looks defeated.

"Don't tell him." I say sternly. He looks up and Cathy nodds. Sam nodds back, looking down at the crumbled pink dress on the floor.

Everyone is quiet, and I think about telling them to get out. I don't, though, because I'm not sure I want to be alone. Suddenly, Sam's face lights up.

"Wait, earlier, you said that a guy kissed you?" He said, his voice up an octive. I hate that I blush, but I do, and I nodd. Cathy's jaw drops to the very floor.

"Austin kissed you?!" Cathy shouts, and ends up with the same expression as Sam.

"Yeah." I say, looking at the floor to keep from smiling. Dammit. I can tell Cathy's grinning.

"Was it any good?" She asks, and I look up, seeing her face resembling a Chesire Cat and Sam's resembling  an Easter Island head.

"It was-" Good? Fantastic? The best kiss of my life?-"as expected." I decide finally. Cathy's grin falls.

"As expected? Really?"

"As expected." I say again. Cathy crosses her arms.

"So it was perfect, huh?" She says, and I know she's right, but I don't say anything. She smiles, though, so I know she gets it.

"Can we please stop talking about this? It is my best friend we're talking about." Sam mumbles, crossing his arms.

"Why? Is it making you uncomfortable?" Cathy asks, a sly smirk curling up her lips.

Sam shrugs, making it an obvious yes.

"Because I think Austin is one hot piece of ass. I just want to-" Cathy is interrupted by Sam running and shutting the door. Cathy giggles wildly, turning to me. I give her a weak smile. She puts a hand on my knee again, but this time, I don't yank away.

"Do you really not love him?" She asks, her voice soft.

"I know I still do. And I probably will for a long time. But is it so bad that I just don't want to anymore?" I ask, because I'm unsure. Cathy gets tears in her eyes, which is weird, because I should be the one crying.

"No, I guess not. It's just so sad." She says, and she actually starts crying.

"I guess." I mumble, keeping my voice low because I don't want Cathy to hear the tears that are stuck in my throat. Cathy wipes her eyes.

"Austin is such a bitch." She says, angry. And I actually laugh, taking her by a welcome surprise.

"Hey, Dan?" I nodd, showing her I'm listening.

"Do you think he'll ever love you back?" I look at her for a moment. I'm quiet for a long time, even though I know the answer.

"No." But it's such a small croak, I wonder if Cathy even heard me. She does, and hugs me.

Austin's POV

I think I'm in love with Danika.


I am such a bitch. xD Enjoy fretting, dearies. Should the next chapter be in Austin's POV? Maybe? Maybe not? Vote, comment, and fan. :)

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