Chapter Two: Drunk on Life

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Amara leaned against the kitchen counter examining her neatly home-manicured nails. She stayed quiet and went on her way to put on a pot of coffee. She tried to force at least three cups of coffee into her brother a day, the caffeine helped with their cravings soothing out the urge to feed. It resembled a snack more than a meal; soon enough the intense cravings would return.

She looked at the sound of a grunt. Nixon stood still at the bottom of the stairs, both hands clamped onto the rail.

She watched wearily as he wandered into the kitchen towards the coffee machine. "Are you feeling okay?" She dared to ask.

He nodded, pouring coffee into a mug. He paused before taking a sip, rubbing his head as if he had struck it.

"Nixon," she sighed. "Mind telling me what exactly happened last night?"

He shrugged, "Just the usual." With his mug in hand he entered the living room slumping down on the couch.

Amara was quick to follow him.

"You don't seem like yourself." She stated and took a seat at the opposite end.

He squinted through a blur. "I think I'm drunk."

She laughed. "She must've been a good one."

He looked at her dazed, and struggled to understand each word.

"What do you mean?" He slurred.

She fought to keep a straight face. "You fed last night, Nixon. Whatever girl you..." she hesitated to find the right word. "--drained. Well, she must've been pretty full of life."

He began to laugh, "Yeah, she was great."

Amara shook her head with a grin. "Finish your coffee and get some sleep. I'm going to work." She took the blanket that was hung on the back of the couch and spread it over him.

"Right, you're....normal." He giggled.

She rolled her eyes. "I'll be back at six. Don't leave the house," she warned him.

He saluted to her sloppily and focused on getting the mug to his lips without spilling the steaming liquid.


"Miss Doukas, may I have a moment?"

She wasn't inside the building two minutes when Captain had found her.

"Yes?" She turned to face him, her briefcase in hand.

"I need to speak with you in my office when you're ready." He nodded and continued on his way.

She gritted her teeth. One side effect of feeding from a human and allowing them to live was the sudden interest they took in her.

"Good day Miss Doukas." Janice, one of the detectives, greeted her as she passed by the desks.

"Good day." She smiled back.

She entered her office closed the door and left the blinds closed. She tucked the briefcase under her desk and turned to face the window that wasn't yet lit up. She adjusted the collar of her deep green blouse in the reflection and smoothed out her black skirt. She sized up her hair making sure the blonde locks were situated snugly into a ponytail.

"Just get it over with Amara. Before he comes looking again," she told herself and opened her office door plastering a pleasant smile on her face.

Her heeled shoes clicked down the hallway. She could practically feel his anxiousness from the other side of the building. Trent Roman, the gold plaque on his door read. She entered the room and sat down in the chair in front of his desk casually.

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