Chapter Five: They're Always Scared

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"I'm sorry about that." Amara re-entered the kitchen, brushing off Nixon's abrupt exit.

Brent waved it off. "Don't worry about it." 

"He means well." She crossed her arms, leaning against the front of the bare refrigerator. 

Brent snickered. "Amara, open your eyes. Your brother went down a dark path after Caroline. He slipped away and now he's gone."

"You don't know him anymore." 

"Neither do you,” he countered. He faced away from her, gazing out the small window framed with white lace curtains. "He's who we used to be. Only worse. And if that cult finds him--"

"If that cult finds him then he'll slaughter every last one of them."

He shook his head and turned back to her, watching as her body tensed. She hated to think about the monster her brother was becoming. "He won't kill them, because they'll make him a very good offer." Brent spoke. "Why wouldn't someone has destructive as Nixon not want to join such a group? Empousai, and other Hadis who are just like him. He wouldn't have to listen to his big sister anymore."

Her hands clenched into fists are her sides. "You can't walk in here centuries later and tell me who my brother is and what he'll do." She took several steps closer to him. "You don't know us anymore."

He smiled down at her. "You don't want to admit it because then you'll see what things your brother is truly capable of." He paused, watching her as she began to shake. "You don't want him to turn out like you."

"Enough." She lashed her arm out, slamming her fist down through the countertop next to where Brent stood. She then spoke with her voice just above a whisper, "Did you come here to talk about Nixon? Or are you actually going to get to business?"

He leaned in to her, his face mere inches from her own. A faint grin tugged at the corner of his mouth when her breath caught. "Fine." He slipped past her, wandering around the small room. "We need to track down the Hadis who is running around. We get him and we make him run, directing the cult out of town." 

"Are you out of your mind? We're not throwing our own species to the animals. We're stopping the cult." Amara demanded, looking down at the smashed stone that had crumbled to the ground. She kicked the dark pieces to one side. "You're going to help us." She turned around.

"And tell me, why would I do that?"

"Because you've changed. And you're going to prove that to Nixon." 

He peered down at her. "I have nothing to prove to your brother."

"The prove it to me." 

This time it was he who backed away. He turned and headed for the front door.

"How am I supposed to contact you?" She called after him.

He didn't look back. "You don't. I'll find you when you need me."


Nixon circled the block twice, watching the police station for the girl who was attacked between the old factories. Come on, come on. He thought. He did another slow loop around, scanning the area to make sure no one was suspicious about him.

On his fifth time around the doors to the police station opened.

He pulled up on the curb and rolled down his window. "Excuse me?" Nixon called to the police officer who accompanied the young girl.

"How can I help you?" 

Nixon nodded to the girl. "She was the one attacked today?"

"Yes. How did you know that?" 

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