Chapter Nineteen: Plan B

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"Ugh!" Amara grunted, shoving the door open and slamming it behind her.

"Amara?" Jeanette's voice shook from inside the house. "Is that you?"

Amara dropped her coat to the ground and headed for her voice. "Yeah, it's me. What happened?" She knew before she turned the corner that something had upset her.

She shrugged, slumping back into the couch. "Nixon came by, after you left."

"What did he say?" Amara crossed her arms, clearly not impressed.

"Not much." Jeanette wiped her cheeks with a tissue already soaked in tears. "I broke down when I saw him and I rambled about Daniel and the fire... Gosh, I was so stupid! I should've grilled him on where he was first, but I left it for second and... he barely said anything and ran off." She threw her face down into her hands. 

Amara nodded. He must've went down town after he spoke with Jeanette, that would've been enough to set him off like that. "How did he seem?"

"If I'm being honest, he seemed empty." Jeanette stated bluntly. "He didn't seem happy, but he wasn't sad. He was just standing there, felt a little pity for me, and then left."

Amara thought for a moment.

"What am I doing?" Jeanette shook her head in disbelief. "I barely know you two yet I'm here worrying about him and trying to help. He doesn't even care."

"He cares." Amara assured her. "I know my brother, and he cares. He has trouble with his emotions, as you're well aware, and these people are making it worse for him. A lot worse."

"What can we do? We don't know where he's staying and even if we did, we can't bust in and take him back. There's no way."

"Yes, you're right. He wouldn't just leave, and the group wouldn't let him." Amara agreed. "We need to figure out who else is in the group. I'll go back to the fire, maybe one of them will go back and hang around. We need a weak one, someone who will tell us what's happening."

Jeanette hesitated. "Doesn't seem very effective. Just hope one of them will be around."

"It's the best plan b that we have." Amara stated. "Unless you have any better ideas?"

"No," she mumbled.

"Then I'll head over by myself. I think we can both agree that you don't need to be anywhere near that place." Amara picked up a blanket and wrapped it around Jeanette. "In the meantime, get some rest. If I get anyone, I'm going to need you're help."

Jeanette just nodded, slightly stunned by Amara involving her in the plan. 

"And if he comes back..." Amara added on her way out. "Do everything you can to make him stay."

"You want me to try and kidnap him?" Jeanette chuckled lightly. 

"I'm serious. If we can't find anyone else, then we take him hostage and put some sense back into him."

Jeanette sighed. "Fine. But that's our last option."

The air was still hazy around the burnt out building. Amara circled the building several times, scanning the nearby yards for anyone who might have been lurking about, someone who had possibly seen something that night.

She carefully went inside, cautious of where she stepped. She snuck down each hallway, peering into each room, even the ones that hadn't been touched. Everything was the same as the first time she had been there. 

She exited the building, ready to circle it again and if she had to, take watch from somewhere nearby.

"Amara, is it?"

She turned around, looking back into the building where a man stood. He gave a strong appearance, but she could hear the slight quaver in his voice when he spoke.

"Yes." She met him with confidence. "Who are you?"

"The one you're looking for." He gave her a small smile. "Nixon needs your help."

"Who are you?"

"Call me, Stride." 

"How do you know my brother?" She demanded.

Stride moved forward, exiting the building. "I'm a part of the cult. My intentions are the same as his, destory it before they do more damage." He gestured behind him, "This was just them feeding. They've been quiet until now. They're gaining power."

"I assumed as much." She said, her voice curt. "Have you spoken to my brother you'd know he isn't one for playing by someone else's rules."

"I have learned." Stride nodded. "Which is why I came to find you. He's lost his way, he's getting stronger and he's going to hurt himself more than anyone else."

Amara stayed silent and waited for him to continue.

"I will share with you everything I know of this group. I have been making notes on each member, their strengths, weaknesses, who is more trustworthy than others, who I could turn to as a last resort." He explained. "Only if you'll help me."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Help me take out the cult. Get your brother back on the right path, turn over a few members that I think could be swayed if approached correctly."

"Build an army out of our enemy?" She scoffed. "Nixon will be difficult, but I have a few ideas. If we get him, he could easily talk your friends into joining."

"Sounds like a deal then?"



"Don't pretend you don't recongize the name." Amara smirked. "I've seen you before."

Stride's curiousity peaked. "You have?"

"Not exactly, but I've felt your presence before," She stopped for a moment, "from Jeanette. You were around her."

"Oh, your powers will forever amaze me." Stride smiled. "Yes, I was in contact with Jeanette before. She doesn't know who I am, of course. However, I set up Porter and her, to attact you and your brother."

Amara raised her head, "Stride... You're not a hadis are you?"

He raised a finger. "We will get into that later. I forget how much more you are aware of than your brother."

"Come on, you must know that he isn't one to focus on the world around him." Amara poked. "But before I can agree to a deal, I want Jeanette to be safe. She needs to be involved with this, I can't keep her in the dark but I can keep her in the shadows. She isn't to know about the hadis, or you."

"Yes, of course." Stride agreed. "Though it will be difficult."

"I'm aware, but if she was to figure out that powers that they had, that Nixon has... She would connect the dots. Her brother's death has her in a fragile state. Her admiration for Nixon is what's going to help us get a hold of him. If she knew what a monster he was, we wouldn't stand a chance."

Stride glanced around him. "We've overstayed our welcome to these parts. Let's get back to Jeanette. I'll explain what she isn't to know on our way."


A/N: Big thanks to @DanielleRo for the book jacket on the side :)

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