Chapter Sixteen: Endless Pits

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  Stride's small apartment was the oppostie of what it would be expected to be. The guy was a member of a cult, surrounded by the strongest hadis on a daily baises yet his home was like something out of an Ikea catalogue. Each room had paint and furniture that matched eachother perfectly.

  "Are you the only one that stays here?" Nixon asked. It was the first he had spoken since the cellar. He wasn't sure what to think of Stride. All Nixon knew was that he was ready to attack if Stride tried anything.

  "Yeah. I have a maid who comes by to keep up the appearance of the place. She's a sweet lady." Stride went to the desk in the corner of the living room and retrieved a small brown notebook. "I wrote this, read it."

  Nixon took the leather bound book, carefully opening it. Under the inside cover it read, "So your friend is not who he says he is." He closed the book. "Is this a joke to you?"

  Stride shook his head. "That part was, but read on."

  He gritted his teeth and opened the book again. Only several pages were filled out in Stride's handwriting, explaining what he claimed Nixon needed to know.

  Not everything is as it appears to be. Remember that, it will keep you alive.

  There are many things beyond the imagination, even that of a hadis. There are many other creatures that lurke around. Some in the shadows, some in the daylight. That doesn't mean one is less dangerous than the other. It just means you need to make them fear you more. That's what everything is, a battle of power. In the human world, that means popularity. In the hadis world, that means brute strength. In my world, that means trickery. 

  I'm not a witch, I'm not a wizard, I have no magical abilites. I have very few powers actually. Let's call me a trickster for now. This is only to satisfy your curiousity when I tell you the power I've used on you. Influence. The power of influncing one's thoughts and actions. It's a psychic ability, I have some others but this is my focused power.

  I knew the cult was in town long before you did, Nixon. I sent Porter, a good friend of mine, to save Jeanette so you would get wind of it as well as the cult. I watched as you and Amara struggled to find Porter, and kept an eye on Jeanette. She's a lovely girl, even creeped into you which was very amusing to see. However, the point was for you to join the cult. Of course, you and your sister were right, Jeanette needed to be protected. Which is why I left Amara to protect her and sent you to the cult alone. You had the right motive, destroy the cult from the inside. The only problem, you were forgetting who you are and why you came. I saw you slipping, taking in the dark part of you that I knew would happen. Which is why you're reading this.

  I realize that this is a lot to take in and will definitely be seen as a threat to you. Nixon, I mean you and your sister no harm. The cult needs to be destroyed and I can't influence all of them the one time. Even if I could, it would only be a matter of time before they found themselves back in this position. So please, accept my plea for help and work with me. You have the power and confidence to become a respected member of the cult and able to cross all of them. 

  Nixon let the book fall from his hands. "Are you crazy? You expect me to believe this?"

  "No." Stride shook his head. "I expect nothing from you. I just hope you'll work with me."

  "You played with my head. You put me into a cult that will kill me if they find out about this. They'll kill Amara, they'll kill Jeanette..."

  "But they won't kill Daniel. You took care of that one." Stride reminded him. "You were slipping Nixon. The pace was very rapid. You killed that young girl, you burnt down the room and silenced her in the process."

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