First Meeting

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When they were drunk Hwasa couldn't help but think about how pretty Wheein looked and was reminded of the first time she saw Wheein. So she asked
"Yah, Wheein ah~ Remember the first time we met?"
Confused, Wheein said
"Of course, why?"
"Because that wasn't the first time we met."
"What are you talking about? Yes it was. You're drunk."
"Hahaha yessss I am but so are you."
They were both drunk, pointing at each other with red cheeks. Wheein laughed and confirmed
"Hahahaha, yes we are."
"But I'm serious, that's not the first time we met."
"Are we talking about the same thing?"
"Of course, you're wrong."
Wheein was upset that Hwasa was doubting her so she yelled
"Yah! Who are you calling wrong."
"Tell me the story then."
"We were in the same class then an have seen each other at auditions so we started talking."
"No, no, no."
"Then when?"
"When I heard you sing for the first time."
"When was that...?"
"When you were walking home alone. You're singing was so nice I followed you"
Hwasa remembered Wheein's sweet vocals and closed her eyes, grateful she met a girl with such a great voice until Wheein ruined the moment and shouted
"That's not a first meeting! You just heard me sing and followed me. I didn't meet you though, you creep."
"Yeah you did."
"I don't recall."
"You twisted your ankle and fell in the water then I helped you out. You were unconscious, so of course you don't remember. Haha You were blacked out! Be grateful I was following you, you klutz."
After Hwasa said this, Wheein suddenly remembered. There was always a person in her dreams but they were always so blurry. It was a person who pulled her out of the water and she has always wanted to find this person. Shocked she asked
"It was you?"
"So you do remember?"
"I always thought it was a guy who saved me..."
Hwasa was hurt but didn't show it. She liked Wheein from the first day she heard her voice. Hwasa tries to brush off the feeling and boldly moves close to Wheein's face and asks
"Are you disappointed that it wasn't your Prince Charming?"
Wheein's heart starts to flutter. She looks at Hwasa's lips and swallows. She thinks to herself

She has always been this pretty. I have always acknowledged her beauty. That's nothing new, friends do that. This urge to kiss her... I'm under the influence, this happens with everyone... right? It always happens in movies. So this is how people have one night stands. But Hwasa is a girl, a girl that is my best friend. I've had these urges even while sober... No! I can't, let's just brush it off. Everyone is staring at us.

She was right, everyone was staring. It was her first time drinking but she had a pretty high tolerance so she was only partially drunk. Luckily she took noticed to everyone staring and just simply replies
"Hwasa, everyone is staring."
"So what? Answer me."
Hwasa was really curious so she almost forced it out Wheein. She wanted the answer to be no so badly but Wheein says
"Yeah, remember my ex Moonbyul? I was hoping it was him who saved me."
Wheein thought hard before concluding it was best to deny the fact she was happy Hwasa saved her. But Hwasa was a little speechless before asking
"Do you still want it to be him? After he left you for Solar?"
"Hey! Don't talk about him like that. What do you know..."
"I know that if he had feelings for you, he wouldn't have left you like that."
"Hwasa, what are you talking about?"
"He played with you."
"Moonbyul and I had a relationship you will never understand"
"Why not?"
"Because you weren't in it..."
Wheein had a point. There was silence, both of them couldn't help but think about the time that Wheein and Moonbyul were together.

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