A Mistake

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Hwasa has always liked Wheein but never would admit it. Being in love with your best friend is hard, especially if you're both girls. Wheein, on the other hand, was straight... Or so she thought. She didn't know the person she liked because it was someone in her dreams, someone who rescued her. The memory was blurry but she knew it happened. Regardless though, she did have sudden moments where her heart fluttered for Hwasa but she ignored it. One day, Wheein was walking home alone, without Hwasa for once. While walking home, she twisted her ankle and a passing senior caught her. He told her
"Be careful."
It was Moonbyul. He was for his bad boy image, everyone had the hots for him. Wheein never paid attention to him but after he caught her, it was such a similar feeling to the person in her dreams. She looked into his eyes and said
"I think you're the one."
"Sorry, I already like someone."
"Does she like you back?"
"I'm not completely sure."
"Let's date then."
"That's nonsense! I don't even know your name!"
"It's Wheein. I'm a freshman. I was born in 1995."
"Why so suddenly?"
"I really need to confirm something."
"Alright I guess."
"It won't be long, we can break up soon."
"Haha, you're actually some what cute."
"Let's get to know each other?"
"Sounds good."

This was how Moonbyul and Wheein started dating. No one knew the details so everyone thought Wheein seduced Moonbyul so she got a lot of hate because of that. When Hwasa heard the news, she thought the opposite. She thought that Moonbyul seduced Wheein and was just playing with her. Hwasa often followed him to make sure he wasn't cheating but she always saw him being greasy with a super senior, Solar. She told Wheein but Wheein just ignored her. Wheein was to focused on trying to figure out whether or not Moonbyul was the person in her dreams or not. After a long 3 months of being together, they broke up. Solar was the only person who knew why and how they started dating so she patiently waited for the day they broke up so she could be with Moonbyul. Wheein told Moonbyul to meet her where they first met. Hwasa was too curious not to follow behind. She saw Moonbyul constantly touching Wheein, she couldn't hear anything though. What happened was Wheein told Moonbyul
"Oppa, you aren't the one."
Wheein pouts and hits him. He thought it was cute and patted her head and said
"I'm just kidding."
"You better be."
"It was nice getting to know you, you gave me some dating experience."
"What experience? We just hung out like friends. I hope you and Solar unnie work out!"
"I hope so too."
"Do you know if she likes you back yet?"
"Yes, she does!"
"Awesome! How are we gonna break out splitting news though?"
"Hmm, how about I dumped you so all the girls stop hating on you and pity you instead."
"Ha, I guess it's a plan!"

So news went out and Moonbyul starting dating Solar right after. Hwasa was furious and told Wheein
"He never deserved you anyways!"
"Hwasa ah~ Actually-"
"No, you don't have to say anything. I know you're in pain right now."
"Hwasa, I'm not-"
Hwasa hugs Wheein and Wheein liked it so much, she kept her mouth closed. She liked Hwasa's comfort. Back to real time. After they both thought about what happened, Hwasa was still as furious as ever but Wheein realizes that she never told Hwasa what actually happened. So she briefly did, excluding everything that had to do with Wheein falling in love with a person in her dreams that has turned out to be Hwasa.

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