The Walk

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After clearing some misunderstandings Wheein suggests to taking a walk to sober up. Wheein isn't very drunk but Hwasa is. While intoxicated, Hwasa starts to think foolish things. She starts to think to herself
Wheein ah~ So you never liked Moonbyul? Do I have a chance with you... You look so pretty this fine night. I want to hold your hand. I want to kiss you... I want to live my life with you. Why? Because you're my best friend that I love. We're walking next to each other now... Shall I just make a move...?

After she starts thinking this, she reached for Wheein's hand. This makes Wheein's heart flutter. It pains her to finally realize she is in love with Hwasa. Someone she assumes will never love her back. Wheein decides to live in the moment and takes the hand Hwasa offered her. Oh! Were they happy. Walking on a bridge looking over the hand and hand. Hwasa stops and says
"Wow, look at the view. *hiccup*"
"It's beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you. *hiccup*"
"Haha, why are you being greasy?"
"What are you laughing at? And greasy? I'll show you greasy!"
Wheein was laughing at how drunk Hwasa seemed. Suddenly she was caught by surprise. Hwasa suddenly gives Wheein a back hug. Wheein though her heart was going to jump out of her chest. She liked it though. A pretty view, with a pretty girl... She didn't think anything could go wrong. Hwasa suddenly says
"Is this greasy enough for you?"
Wheein thought hard. Even though she had a high tolerance for drinking, she was still a little drunk; it was still her first time drinking after all. She decides to be greedy this one time and says
"No, it's not enough."
"Are you letting me go further than this?"
"I mean, why not?"
"Haha, I got it."

Hwasa turns Wheein around and kissed her forehead, then slowly moved down till she was at Wheein's lips and hesitated and said
"Was that greasy enough for you?"
"Yeah... That was plenty greasy."

That's not what Wheein wanted to say. She hesitated before finally deciding that she had been greedy enough. And, the sober part of her knew that it was going to be a smooch on the lips next and although she really wanted that... She knew that there was still people around and that it was going to attract attention. But suddenly, Hwasa kisses her on the lips. She kissed Hwasa back and for a solid ten seconds she had her eyes closed, enjoying the moment; until, she opened her eyes and saw people taking pictures and whispering. She pushed Hwasa off.
"Was that too greasy for you?"
"I already told you before, that was plenty greasy!"
"Why are you torturing me like this?"
"What do you mean?! It's you that's torturing us. How are we going to debut now that people might have gotten pictures of us kissing?"
"Oh wait, sorry I don't know what got into me for a sec."
"Forget it, let's just go home."

Wheein feels bad for pushing Hwasa off so aggressively but she didn't want to ruin their future together. She forgot that they just agreed to quit together though. Meanwhile, Hwasa knew Wheein forgot they gave up their dreams. This makes her have a sense of guilt. She knows Wheein still wants to live her dream. She feels like Wheein can't live her life to the fullest. She does something outrageous during the walk home...

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