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After their successful collaboration, they went out for a drink. Hwasa knew this was tradition so she didn't try to get out of it. Their managers decided were they would eat. Ironically, they chose the place Wheein and Hwasa went when the day the incident happened. Luckily for them, the owner had changed and the shop had been remodeled. Hwasa doesn't have much memory of the place anyways. Oddly when the walk in, Wheein immediately says
"This place is familiar."
Regardless of all the remodeling and new owner, she just felt like she was there before. Everyone just ignored her comment. They were all drinking except Hwasa. Everyone asked why she wasn't drinking but she told them she doesn't drink. The incident left her too traumatized to drink. On the other hand, Wheein loves to drink. She's always drinking, some people even call her an alcoholic. She's a heavy drinker so she doesn't get drunk much. But, today was different. She drank until she was drunk. She felt safe with Hwasa for some reason. Solar decided not to drink so she could take her boyfriend, Moonbyul, home safely. It was decided that Hwasa would take Wheein home while Solar takes Moonbyul. Suddenly, Wheein screams and cries
Everyone looked in the direction she was yelling at. A car just rushed off. Hwasa was confused but she just thought Wheein was drunk. Hwasa was walking Wheein home because it was specially requested. To Hwasa's surprise, Wheein still live where the two used to. Walking there, Hwasa was very careful trying to make sure Wheein doesn't remember anything. Wheein didn't like the silence and asked a question
"Do you believe in fate?"
"Why not?"
"I just believe that you make your own decisions that lead to the end result."
"So... I chose to be like this?"
"Like what? What are you talking about?"
"There's a person, I like them. But... I don't even know if they exist."
"Tsk. Tsk. You really are drunk."

They pass the bridge where the kissed before and Wheein starts smiling like a fool. She stops and tells Hwasa she wants to see the view. Hwasa thinks she's super cute. Wheein catches Hwasa staring at her and coldly asks
"What are you looking at?"
"Whoa~~ That was so straightforward... So cool~"
"Haha, shut it."
"I'm just kidding."

Hwasa started to think
Whoa, she's really drunk. I wonder if this is how drunk she was last time. I can barely handle her drunk, two drunk girls would probably be bad. Looks like she'll just run her mouth about everything... Is it okay for me to take advantage of this moment?
Little did Hwasa know, Wheein was actually sobering up. Hwasa asked away though.
"Wheein ssi, why did you want to do a collaboration with me?"
"Hey! Your company wanted it! Don't you make me sound desperate."
"Sorry, I just overheard someone say you wanted to do the collaboration so I went and asked my company for it... Maybe I heard wrong."
"AWWW THAT IS SO NICE OF YOU. You heard right."

Wheein's mood swings were a little out of control but Hwasa thought she was just adorable! Hwasa continues asking questions
"Why did you want to do the collab?"
"Because I wanted to vent my anger towards you."
"What anger?"
"HEY! How could you just leave me at the hospital after saying those rude things. You're lucky that was pre debut for both of us or I would of told the press!"
"You remember that?"
"Of course! You're cold hearted."
"Did you want me to stay with you there or something?"
"Yes I did."
"Because you're pretty."
"Why are you being greasy like Moonbyul?"
"Greasy? I'll show you greasy."

Wheein pulls Hwasa in and kisses her, Wheein is actually quite sober and only acting drunk at this point. When Hwasa was kissed, she liked it for a moment but had a painful flashback and pushed Wheein. She gently pushed her and looked around and made sure no one was looking. News articles were already suspicious about Hwasa's sexuality so she knew, she couldn't drag Wheein into it. Wheein looked at Hwasa pouting then says
"Sorry, my lips slipped."
She puts a hand up signaling she was sorry. This loosens the tension and makes Hwasa laugh. Wheein hasn't seen or heard Hwasa truly laugh but when she did, it was a familiar one. She didn't want to say anything about it just yet. She wanted to take Hwasa home with her to spend the night.

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