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After the bridge, Hwasa made sure Wheein was home safely. Wheein was completely sober but acted drunk. Suddenly Wheein thought to herself
Why am I acting like this for her? I'm an idiot. I hope she doesn't catch on. There's no turning back now.
When they got to Wheein's home, Hwasa attempted to say good bye when Wheein's amazing acting came in. She told Hwasa
"Hey~~ Stay~~ Pretty please? I'm lonely. Huh? Please~"
Hwasa was curious about how Wheein was living and agreed. To Hwasa's surprise, the passcode to the house was Hwasa's birthday. She asked Wheein
"Why is that your passcode?"
"It's just a number that popped in my head and I just tend to think about it."
"Well I know it now, you should change it."
"You're welcome anytime. So I don't mind if you know it."
"Uh thanks I guess. I should get going now..."
"Haha no."
"Why not?"
Wheein is still acting drunk and she is doing a good job. She pouts and swings her arms around like a drunk person throwing a tantrum would then says
"I threw my pride away and asked you to stay! How could you just unlock my door then leave. Come in!! Please~"
"Ah, okay."
Hwasa was slightly scared. Wheein was having major mood swings. Hwasa thought she was super drunk. She wanted to make sure Wheein was safe. Wheein went in and went straight to the bathroom. Hwasa on the other hand was looking around, she was amazed. Almost nothing changed since she left. Wheein comes back from the bathroom, Hwasa could help but ask about the house.
"Why is your house like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, uh... Like just why does it look like this? I'm not insulting. Just curious."

"Oh! I don't really know? I guess it's because this is comfortable for me. It makes me feel at home. I think I used to have a roommate but apparently not."

"What do you mean by that...?"

"Hmm I feel like a weirdo explaining everything to you."

"I don't think you're weird, tell me."

"Well, a couple years ago there was an accident. It was the same day we first met. I don't know what happened and no one would tell me. I remember most my life but sometimes it just feels empty. I think I loss a lot of memories. I've honestly been dying to get them back. Every single night, I dream. I dream about things I don't completely remember in the morning. But those dreams let me wake up with a smile. Even though they're blurry, I think they are loss memories."

Hwasa knew was the person in Wheein's dreams. Hearing this made her really happy but she knew she shouldn't be talking about it with Wheein because it might bring unwanted memories so she tried to brush the subject off telling Wheein

"You are crazy."

Wheein got unusually defensive and bursted into tears. She yelled at Hwasa saying

"I thought you understood! You said you don't think I'm weird. I'm disappointed. I'm frustrated everyday! Do you know how much my heart hurts thinking about the person in my dreams. I honestly once thought it was you. You talked to me as if you knew me at the hospital. You suddenly told me cruel things and we never met again... Why? Yet when you became famous, I still became a fan."

"Wheein ssi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"What's wrong with me? Why do you act as if I have a contagious disease?"

"I won't from now on. I think it's time for me to go though... Sorry."



"Stay the night."

"Sorry but I real-"


"Okay, I'll stay..."


"So now what?"

"We sleep."

Wheein held Hwasa's hand to the bedroom. Hwasa got on the bed but then Wheein uses Hwasa's arm as a pillow. Hwasa thought

How long will this paradise last?

Wheein thought

Is this allowed? She just entered my life and is already the light in it. Is it okay for me to forget the person I can't remember now? To the mysterious person in my dreams, I'm sorry. I've finally found someone I feel happy with. Someone who I think is similar to you... Except she's a girl. I feel like gender shouldn't matter though. I feel like I've made a mistake where I lost the love of my life because she was a girl before. Maybe it was you. I don't know but whoever you are, I'm giving up on you and moving on now.

Wheein fell asleep with a smile. Hwasa laid there thinking. After confirming Wheein was alsleep, she left.

Wheein ah~ You're as beautiful as Cinderella. If not, more beautiful. but I guess it's me leaving in the night. I hope you wake up and forget everything. I didn't remember anything that night since I was drunk...

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