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Hwasa starts to aggressively look for the person who hit Wheein. She starts off strong. She goes to Hyuna and asks if she knows any detectives. Hyuna introduces Hwasa to multiple people who might. She meets Jae Suk and finally, he knows many detectives. She asks him to introduce her to the best of the best. He does so, no questions asked. Meeting the detective, he asks for details. She hates spilling them but tell as much as she can remember. She doesn't remember much since she was drunk but she did have a flashback when Wheein kissed her the day of their collaboration. She embarrassingly tells the detective about her flashback
"We were walking home together. I remember feeling happy until I kissed Wheein and she pushed me off. I think that's how it went at least and it was at the bridge but I don't really remember."

The detective offers to go there with Hwasa. She agrees. They go there and bump into Wheein. Wheein was there because she was trying to regain her memories. She remembers that bridge and she remembers sharing a precious moment with someone. Her problem is, she just can't seem to remember that someone. She sees Hwasa with an attractive detective but doesn't get jealous. Her mind is too occupied thinking about the person in her dreams. Regardless, she does greet the two and attempts to leave. The detective stops her. His name is Lee Dong Wook. Dong Wook asks her
"Why are you here?"

She gets annoyed. She already didn't like the fact that he was with Hwasa but now he's randomly questioning her. She gives him attitude while saying
"It's none of your business."

She attempted to leave but Dong Wook grabbed her wrist. She resisted but he held onto it tight until Hwasa comes up and pulls his hand off. She apologizes to Wheein. Wheein leaves. He looks at Hwasa confused. Hwasa explained
"I don't think she remembers that night. I can't ask her any questions. She doesn't remember anything. Dong Wook ssi, you have to leave her out of this."

He understood was she meant. He replies
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

After apologizing, he went back to work, searching for clues. He asked for more details but that was all Hwasa could remember then he thought of a sudden idea.
"Did anyone see you guys kiss? There are a lot of homophobic people in this world. They could have intentionally hit you because they saw the kiss! Where were you hit?"

It was like a flashlight went off in his head. Hwasa doesn't remember Wheein getting hit but vaguely remembers someone tell her.
"It's not to far from this bridge. Just like a little further. I think we were walking home when it happened."

Dong Wook got excited then said
"Alright! Let's head over."

They go over there and Dong Wook is frantically searching for something.

"What are you looking for?"
Hwasa asks him. He looks at her and says
"A security camera."

"One like that?"
Hwasa points directly to one. And He snaps his fingers and claps.
"Exactly like that. Good Job Hwasa ssi. Now we just need permission to see the clip from that day."

They enter the building with the camera. He flashes his badge so they can see the film but there was bad news. They ask to see the film but since it was over two years ago, it was moved to the storage where there were many, many other clips. It would've been nearly impossible to find with only two people but Hwasa had a different idea. She thanked Dong Wool for all the help then they went their separate ways. Hwasa remembered that Jong Suk let her have one wish. She was going to use that wish and ask him to find that video clip.

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