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Wheein: Moonbyul oppa! Solar unnie! Did you hear that Hwasa's company and ours combined? I'm so happy!

Solar: Yeah... I heard.

Moonbyul: That's just great.

Wheein: What's wrong with you guys?

Moonbyul & Solar: Nothing.

Wheein: Okay... I'll go visit Hwasa alone then.

Wheein was searching for Hwasa. While searching, she thought to herself
Unnie and oppa must have gotten into an argument. That's so unlike them but I guess things only seem fine on the surface. Where's Hwasa? Finding her is like finding Waldo. Oh, there she is!


Wheein was about to call out Hwasa's name until she saw that Hwasa was with Hyuna. She hid behind a bush and watched their interactions. Hyuna kept making physical contact, Wheein was mad. Hwasa was brightly smile and that made Wheein jealous. She went back to her group members. Days passed they were always together. Wheein was heated. Every chance she tried to be with Hwasa was ruined by someone else. Finally she saw Hwasa alone, she didn't hesitate to walk over there.
Wheein: Hey Hwasa~

Hwasa: Hello Wheein ssi.

Wheein: We're in the same company now, you should drop the honorif-

Hyuna: Hwasa!

Hwasa: Sorry Wheein ssi, I need to go. Hey Hyuna unnie!

Hyuna: Catch up!

Wheein was so mad she put her fist up and air punched Hyuna then mocked her. She thought to herself
We've known each other longer. We're even the same age! Why does she keep using honorifics with me! Hmph, whatever. I don't even care.

Even though Wheein says she doesn't care, she still followed Hyuna and Hwasa to see where they went. She had to stop when they entered a practice room since there were mirrors all over. She starting imagining things. Then she wondered why she was thinking those things then left... Left just to come back with a disguise and spy on them again. What she saw, didn't please her eyes. They seemed to be learning a couple dance. They seemed flirty too...

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