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After hearing Wheein express her desire to have a collaboration with Hwasa, Hwasa went and asked her agency to set one up. They were shocked but asked no questions since it was good for their company. Hwasa was under Starship Entertainment while Solar, Moonbyul, and Wheein were all under Cube Entertainment. After Cube contacted Starship, they agreed to have a collab. Since Wheein wanted the collab, she got to choose the song. She chose "Backwoods". When Hwasa heard the song choice, she cried. It was a song her and Wheein used to sing to each other all the time. The four are put together to discuss their performance.

Moonbyul: Uh, I'm not much of a vocalist so should I make a rap and put it in?

Wheein & Solar: Yes!

Hwasa: I guess.

Moonbyul: Since I know everyone best here, shall I divide the parts?

Wheein: Moonbyul oppa, you already know Hwasa?

Everyone who knew Hwasa and Wheein, knew that Wheein lost memories of Hwasa because of the incident. No one knew details and no one dared to ask. But, there weren't many people who knew Wheein and Hwasa since they were always together, only together. Anyways, Moonbyul realizes his mistake and tries to fix it.

Moonbyul: Ah! We were trainees together before...

Wheein: Oh that's nice to know. You should divide the parts though.

Hwasa: No, I don't think you know my voice well at all. Wheein, since you chose the song, you should divide the parts.

Wheein: No, I think Moonbyul should. He knows more than I do.


Hwasa, Moonbyul, & Wheein: Okay... Let's do that.

Solar: So that's that.

While Solar divides the parts, Wheein starts to talk to Hwasa. Hwasa thought it was the perfect moment to ask Wheein about her connection to the song.

"Wheein ssi, why did you choose this song?"

"You know, my life feels incomplete. When I listen to this song, it makes me happy and it makes me feel like I've found something missing. It's hard to explain but I definitely have something deep with this song."

"That's a complicated answer for a simple question."

"Ah sorry."

"It's fine. I think Solar is done."

"Wait, I have somethin-"

"Let's go."

Hwasa knew Wheein was going to ask some question about the past so she avoided it. Both of them go to Solar. To their surprise, she was done and has been done for a while. They started to practice the song. Hwasa and Wheein had great chemistry during practice. Wheein had really mixed feelings towards this song. Especially performing it with Hwasa. It made her feel happy but sad. Wheein is only happy when she's sleeping because she dreams about the person that makes her happy but when she wakes up, she forgets who was in the dream. She thinks Hwasa gives a similar feel as the person in her dreams. Anyways, during the actual performance, the steal glances at each other. For a second, Hwasa was selfish and decided to pretend Wheein remembered her and sang the song like they used to sing it together, in harmony.

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