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When Hwasa jumped in that street, she thought for sure it was a speeding car. But, she was drunk. Wheein saw the car and it was going slower than Hwasa thought but still fast. Wheein was sober so her reaction time was quick. She ran out on the road and pushed Hwasa out. That's all she had time to do... Then boom. She was hit by the car that didn't bother stopping. It seemed as if that car had the perfect timing to hit Wheein instead of Hwasa. Hwasa looked up then fainted. She couldn't handle the fact she may have just killed her best friend. Hours later, Hwasa wakes up... She has no memory except for the fact that her and Wheein went out to drink for the first time but she hears that Wheein is in a coma. She runs over to the coma Wheein is in. She asks the doctor
"Is she okay?"
He tells her he isn't sure. Since it was a small car, it wasn't fatal. The car still didn't stop for her at all so it was quite painful. Luckily, the car wasn't speeding but was still going about 58 kph or 35 mph. So there's brain damage. She really worries after hearing this and asks
"A car hit her? How!"
The doctor put on a confused face... then asks her back
"You don't know? Hmm, you were there though."

Hwasa tried and tried to remember but she couldn't. She was still too worried about Wheein then asks
"How bad is the brain damage?"
Doctor sees Hwasa's concern and soothes her a bit by saying
"It's not very bad. Since this was a traumatizing event, she has amnesia. That part of her brain was hit but I'm not sure how bad the memory loss is until she wakes up."
Hwasa thinks of all the memories they've made in the past and can't stop worrying. Suddenly she wakes up. No one notices her. She looks around.
Wheein: Where am I?
Doctor: Hospital.
Hwasa: Wheein ah!
Hwasa runs and hugs Wheein but something strange happens. Wheein takes a good look at Hwasa and says
"Who are you?"
Hwasa nearly cries and says
"Your best fri-"
The doctor pulls Hwasa away before she can finish talking and whispers to her
"Sorry but I haven't properly diagnosed her. You're going to have to wait before you reveal anything to her. We need her family to come here first."

Hwasa understands and calls Wheein's family. Since her family lived in the other side of Korea, it would take a while for them to get to where Wheein was. So for hours Hwasa was by Wheein's side thinking, thinking about what may have happened. When out of nowhere, Wheein ruins Hwasa's train of though by saying
"You're pretty."
"You think so? Thanks. I think you're prettier."
"No way! You're one of the prettiest people I've met."
"Oh that's so flattering. But um, do you remember what happened last night?"
"Uh it's all a blur to me but I remember being with someone who was dear to me."
"Guy or girl...?"
"I don't know, I think a guy though."
"Ah, do you remeber anything that happened this week?"
"I did a lot of things with that guy. I think he's my friend, I don't want to assume things."
"Ah, was he nice?"
"I don't remember but have we met?"
"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself... I'm Hwasa, we're the same age."
"Oh hello! I'm Wheein, let's be friends then. Tell me about yourself."

After a while of talking, Wheein's family came. To Hwasa and the doctor's surprise, she screamed
At this point, the doctor knew what was wrong and told Wheein's family, including Hwasa.
"She was selective memory loss. It's her brain's desperate attempt to prevent her from being traumatized. I'm not completely sure why she erased Hwasa from her memory but it might have been because Hwasa was at the incident. This could also be guilt. She might have erased Hwasa because she felt guilty towards Hwasa. There are many different reasons but in the end, it's best for Hwasa to stay away from Wheein."
Hwasa knew she did something wrong she thought to herself.
Wheein must have done through a lot because of me... Enough for her brain to forget me as protection. Man, what happened that night... Wait, who hit her?
Hwasa was curious who the driver was but was informed it was a hit and run. She didn't know why they would hit and run... She wanted to find them. But she didn't have any power or connections. She decided to leave Wheein and pursue the dream they had together on her behalf. She still wanted to say bye to Wheein though.
"Wheein ah, I'm leaving now."
"Ah really? Thanks for visiting me. Keep in touch."
"Sorry but I think this is the last time we'll meet."
"It's 2014. There's social media all over the place. Just give me a way to contact you. Why are you making it complicated?"
"Because I don't wanna see you again."
Wheein was hurt. She was extremely hurt. She didn't know the words of someone she just met could hurt her so much. She was confused because even after Hwasa was being rude to her... She couldn't do the same and said
"That's too bad. Live a nice life then."
"Goodbye Wheein."
"Bye Hwasa."

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