It would be cute if I could write.

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I wake up to a nurse sitting me up with the button on the bed.

"Time to wake to wake up sweetie, your going into surgery." She says softly

"Okay, thank you." I say while being pushed into a new room.

"No problem." She says sweetly. She seems like a big people person, Very kind. Once they park me in the new room they give me a pill and change my IV bag.

"These will help you sleep without any pain" The kind nurse says

"Alright." I say taking the pill with a gulp of water.

"Don't fight it, It will hurt if you're awake." She says to me, and with that I drift asleep.

I dream in and out. at first I dream that instead of Ricky in the car, its Jc. Also, This time he doesn't come out of the car only slightly harmed. He dies. Suddenly I go through pure heartbreak, Its like reliving an old memory. Its like an extreme pain right where your heart hurts, except your also hollow. Its like sitting in the bitter cold with something missing. Its like your decaying from the inside out with pain.

Moving onto the next dream I'm standing in a field, no flowers, just grass. The wind blows and something pulls me against it. I walk to a giant arched opening of trees at the edge of the field. Walking into the forest the ground is made of cracked, dry dirt. There is a small path made of sandy dirt that I follow all the way into an opening. In the opening stands a happy puffy eyed Jc.

"Whats wrong?" I ask wishing things were different with us.

" I miss us, Jenn. I miss your smile. I miss your laugh. I miss the taste of your soft lips. I miss you." He says suddenly centimeters away from my face. We kiss. I've longed for this kiss forever. Kissing him is unexplainable. It seems like your flying with you feet on the ground. For that moment I'm happy, I feel that warm and fuzzy feeling I've missed for so long.

Our kiss is broken by him stepping back, "Find me," He says. And with that, He disappears.

And that's when I wake up. I'm back in a different room with a tv and a table with some water, cookies, and crackers. Jcs there, holding my slightly numb hand.

"Hey," I say giving his hand a slight squeeze.

"Hey," He says looking up at me, his eyes puffy again.

"Whats wrong?" I ask him

"I know this isn't the best time for this but-" He repeats what he said in my dream. He ends his sentence in the same way, with a kiss.

"I've missed the butterflies in my stomach that I get when I'm around you. I missed your sassy comments, The cuddles, and mostly the kisses." I say, with his face still hovering over mine. He give me one last peck and says

"The nurse said you could eat these" He say and points to the table

"Foodddd!" I say and grab the crackers.

We turn on the tv and share some laughs as he continues to hold my hand.

The nurse comes into check on us and then leaves

Jack, O2L (including Sam and Trevor), Andrea, and Alexa all come by at the same time and after they leave Meghan (Strawburry17) and David (Dayviideo) Also come to check on me. Jc stays in the room the whole time.

After everyone leaves and I start to get tired I tell Jc to go home, He refuses at first but I convince him to go.


I hope you guys are proud of me for updating before Saturday, SUPRISE! I thought it would take longer to write but it didn't take to long so, Here ya go! Sorry the ending is poopy, I wanted to get it up before I had to leave soon.

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