Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to heartjunkie for been the first to vote for this book.
I love you so much.

Hafsah POV

Immediately the car stopped, Hafsah open the door and ran to their section in the house. After bathing she changed her clothes and went to meet her mum in the kitchen.
She hugged her and said 'well-done mom'. The mom smiled and said 'thank you dear, how was school today?'. She didn't answer but instead walked to the fridge saying 'wallahi mama yunwa nakeji' (am hungry mom) and then she opened it 'What! Mom where is the vanilla ice cream I kept here'.

'I hate rubbish Hafsah I thought you've finished it yesterday '. 'No mom there was one remaining and I kept it in the fridge'. 'Then i think Abubakar carried it this morning when he was going to to school'.

Hafsah started crying that he must give her back her ice cream.
Sudais and Abubakar sallamed and entered the kitchen too, they just returned from school. The mom asked them who among them took the ice cream in the fridge. Abubakar said 'Mama it was not hers everyone finished his own yesterday so you better stop crying'.

' But I was the one that put it in the fridge and you took it'. She continued crying. Abdulkadir was in his room and he heard her crying he rushed to the kitchen 'What's wrong with her mama?'. 'She's crying because her brother carried ice cream in the fridge and took it to school'.

'Stand up'. Shouted Abdulkadir. She immediately stood up trembling and ran to her room. Just then Ni'ima came in 'Yaya Hafsah don't like eating food only yoghurt and ice cream even at school, aunt Aisha has to snatch the meat pie and yoghurt she was taking during break. 'what do you mean? Didn't they send your food to school?. 'They did just that Hafsah likes junk food more than healthy ones.

'Hafsah where are you?'. She immediately came out from the room . 'Ni'ima please go and fetch some food for her' Abdulkadir ordered. Ni'ima fetched it and dropped it in my front. 'Finish it right now' Shouted Abdulkadir.

Hafsah started eating the food at the same time crying. She finished eating it and gave Ni'ima the plate. He stood up and left the room.

Hours later the driver brought something for Hafsah ' Hajiya (referring to mama) Yaya Abdulkadir said I should give Hafsah. The mother collected it and went in side the house. Hafsah your brother sent something for you. She ran to the sitting room 'what is it mom?' She collected the nylon bag and opened it, it contained six ice creams, six yoghurts and two chickens. She jumped in excitement and ran to her granny section where she found Ni'ma and Aisha. They ate and drank together.

Sweethearts, please don't forget to



26 December 2016

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