Chapter 17

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I entered Abbu room with a salaam and I met him sitting on the couch with mummy beside him. He was working on a file. I sat down on the carpet a little far from them, and greeted me. None of them answered and they continued what they were doing, it seems they want to ignore me but I wont let that affect me I have to tell them my purpose of coming to them and am sure they will listen to me.

'Abbu please I want you to plead with Abdulkadir on my behalf, so I can go back home. In Shaa Allah I will be of good conduct and won't cause any trouble again'. He ignored me as if I wasn't even existing in the room. 'Mummy please talk to Abbu'. 'What should I talk to him about, that he should call your husband so you'll disgrace us some more right, Allah knows I tried my best in raising you up, I didn't teach you all these.

You that caused the trouble should fix it yourself'. 'Abbu pl.... 'If you don't leave my room this minute, you will regret coming here stupid girl'. He said in a stern voice but I won't leave until he calls Abdulkadir. 'Leave'. He shouted, I immediately stood up and left the room with tears in my eyes. All these is happening because of Hafsah, I will never forgive that girl. I went to my room and cried my heart out.

I woke up and found myself on the bed, how did I get here?. I stood up and went to the bathroom took a shower and performed ablution, I prayed my missed asr salat because I woke up 5:30pm. I finished praying and was about going to check on ahmad when my phone rang. I checked it and Yaya was calling, I answered the call. 'Hello Hafsah har  kin tashi, I went out with ahmad we'll be back soon and please don't cook dinner. Okay'. 'Okay, a dawo lfy'.

I disconnected the call and laid down back on the bed. Why did she think killing me is the only alternative. I regretted marrying her husband but she should also know it's not my fault, if it was up to me I wouldn't have married him but what can I do. Can't she just forgive me and let's live our normal life, I hate all that's happening right now.

'You thinking again, it's bad for your health, please stop it'. I heard Yaya voice, I didn't even know when he came in. 'Welcome back, where's Ahmad?. 'He's in the sitting room'. 'Ohh okay, let me go to him'. He held my hand. 'Sit'.

I resumed my previous position and he looked at me deep in the eye as if searching for something, I couldn't hold the gaze so I looked down'. 'You were thinking about Nafisah ko? Listen please don't harm yourself because of her, she's not worth it'. 'Where is she?'. 'She's in her parents house'. My eyes grew to the size of a saucepan when I heard that, ohh no she will hate me more.

'Yaya you shouldn't have done that, it will only worsen the situation. She will hate me more'. 'Then let her stay there until she learns to love you'. 'Please Yaya don't do these, go bring her back please. I promise I will always listen to you I won't talk about her in these house again'. By now my floodgates were opened, why is he making it harder than it is already.

'Shh don't cry you've never disobeyed me a...' Then please go bring her back, I'll do anything you ask'. His eyes lightens immediately I said the last part, I also realised what I said and mentally slapped myself. I looked up and he was grinning. 'What? Why are you grinning?. 'You promised to do anything right?. 'Y.. Yess'. 'Okay no backing out'. 'Okay'.

'I just want us to live like normal couples, be free with each other, share secrets, solve our problems together, just everything you understand ai'. He started seriously and winked at me when he said the last part.

Okay what have I gotten myself into now, if I really wants aunty back then I will have to agree to it and if I don't, then he won't bring her back anytime soon. And besides there's nothing wrong with what he said ai its a good start. So there's no harm in trying. I looked up and his eyes was on me watching my every move.

I smiled and looked into his eyes 'we'll do what you want, normal couple we are in Shaa Allah'. He stated deep into my eyes, making me have butterflies in my stomach, I looked down and he raised my face up as if searching for something. 'Promise?. He asked. 'Yes promise'.

He kissed me so passionately and I didn't stop him, I kissed him back. It was a kiss filled with many emotions. We finally came up panting for air, he looked at me again and hugged me very tightly. I pushed him away when I remembered ahmad was all alone in the sitting room and the adhaan for magrib have been called.

'Yaya ahmad is alone and we also have to pray. He didn't say anything, he simply stood up and headed out. I performed ablution and prayed. I was reciting azkar when they both came back. I folded the mat and hijab and kept them in their appropriate places then I went out of the room.

'Please bring the leather in the fridge out'. Yaya said. I opened the fridge and brought out the leather which contains ice cream and yoghurt I guess. I dropped it on the carpet and he opened it, I guessed right. We all carried one bowl of ice cream and yoghurt each.

He went to the kitchen and brought out chicken in a plate, I think it was re heated already. He dropped it on the carpet and we all starting munching on our dinner. As usual ahmad and I cleared the sitting room,came back and resumed our previous position.

Ahmad was watching Disney junior while Yaya and I were discussing. I was pleading with him to go bring her back that night but he insisted till the next day. I kept begging him and he finally he agreed to go. We stayed there till it was time for isha prayer, I headed to my room while Yaya and ahmad went to the masjid.

We returned from the masjid and I told ahmad to go inside the house and tell his aunty I will be going out. 'Okay daddy but please buy ice cream for me'. 'Again, I thought you just finished one bowl some minutes ago'. 'Okay chocolate then'. 'Fine, I will buy the chocolates for you. With that he ran inside the house while I headed to Nafisa's. God help her she proves stubborn, dama left to me I don't care if she's back or not.

Short chapter huh? Am very sorry. In Shaa Allah the next chapter will be a little lengthy. Stay blessed.

Triple update. Yeeeee. Clap for me please, let me entertain you guys a little.

Ileke lo'ma jiya
If I tell you say girl I love you
I love you
See the them, them'ma want you
But I need you
I say make I tell you what you don't know
Say many many don go
As you dey my side girl I don blow
But still girl I don't know
Cause e we get many many I do's
We get plenty aso ebi
Anything ma-man do
Plenty plenty eyes dey see
Ileke lo'ma jiya

Please don't leave me girl, don't leave me girl
If you hold me tight, I go treat you right

Girl if any man put asunder, away
Thunder na for thunder, away
Run down we no go run down, away
We go jump bumper to bumper, away



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