Chapter 7

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Ni'ima POV

I decided to visit Hafsah because am soo missing her. I reached the house at the time of magrib prayer. Hafsah opened the door and I gave her a bone crush hug.

"auntynmu ina yini". "Lafiya Ni'ima ya mutanen gida". "Suna lafiya'. "Hafsah don't tell me you've forgotten that tomorrow is Ateekah Muazu's wedding, and you know I cant miss it because she's my best friend". " am really sorry sis, but you have to go alone, because yaya is at home, I wish the event will be on Monday by then yaya is at his work".

"Don't give me that lame excuse please, I have sewed the anko, the shoes, head tie everything is ready and then you are saying you cant go. You know how ateekah loves you but you don't want to celebrate the happiest moments of her life with her". "Ya Ni'ima is not like that but you know how tough yaya is, he won't allow me attend the wedding". "Sometimes you behave like a kid wallahy, just tell him you are coming to see hajiya, u r too scared gaskiya". "okay I will talk to him".

We chatted for a while and I decided to go home because it's getting late. "Talatuwa please go and tell the driver of this house to come and take me home". " Haba ya Ni'ima, stay a little longer Yaya will soon be back". "If Yaya comes back and meet me here then he won't allow you to come tomorrow". "You are correct, good night my regards to everyone at home".

Abdulkadir POV

I returned home and headed to my room, I took a hot shower and rubbed some lotion. I wore a black trouser and blue shirt. I went to the sitting room and sat down close to my wife and tuned the channel to Zee world. Hafsah entered the sitting room and sat down on the carpet beside me.

" Yaya welcome". " Thank you Hafsah, how are you doing?". "Am fine Alhamdulillah". I noticed she wanted to tell me something but I focused on the TV. "Yaya". "Uhm". I answered without looking at her. "Yaya please permit me to go home tomorrow". "What's happening at home?" "Nothing". " Then you won't go anywhere".

She started crying, really did I say something wrong. "Abdulkadir please let her go". Nafisah pleaded. No answer. " That's my problem with you wallahy, someone will be talking to you and you will pretend you didn't hear". No answer. Hafsah stood up and headed to her room. "Hafsah". She immediately turned. " Na am". "Is it because I said you won't go home that you are crying?".

She nodded negatively. "Cant you speak?". " No". "Yaya the truth is that I want to accompany yaya Ni'ima to her friend's wedding". "Toh y did you lie at first". "Am sorry yaya in shaa Allah I won't do that again". "yaya can I go please". I nodded "but don't be late". "Thank you so much yaya".

Ni'ima POV

"Hafsah Dan Allah be fast and come it's past five already". "Am ready,am just waiting for Ya Abdulkadir to leave the house". "But he gave you the permission to leave the house ai". "Yes but remember he said I shouldn't stay long, so it's better he leaves before me". " That's true but still please hurry up.

The hall looked so beautiful, the bride and groom were shining. I was busy walking up and down because I was the chief bride maids and also her best friend. Soon it was time to dance and the couple were called to dance with their friends. Hafsah was scared already.

"Ya Ni'ima please let go home, it's getting late". "Haba Hafsah let stay a little longer, we'll get home before Yaya comes back". " Um um, am scared gaskiya". "That's my problem with you". Hafsah kept pleading with me that we should go home after the couple's dance with their friends we left.

Hafsah POV

I met him in the sitting room with his eyes closed and aunty reading a novel. "Aunty am back". "Welcome dear how was the party". "It was good". "Yaya am back". "I thought you will be staying with the bride, what took you so long, don't you have a watch with you?". "Am sorry yaya in shaa Allah it won't happen again". "it okay you can go". I kept muttering Alhamdulillah that the discussion ended peacefully. I went to my room took a hot shower and change to my pajamas, I said my azkar and drifted off.

On Monday morning Ya Abdulkadir went back to work in kaduna till Friday evening in Shaa Allah.

Abdulkadir POV

I returned home and when I entered the sitting room my wife was not there. I checked the room and found her on the floor crying in pains. That's what I hate most in my life, to see a woman crying. I carried her to the hospital and Hafsah isn't helping too, she's crying. Alhamdulillah we arrived safely and the nurses on duty attended to her and took her to the labour room. I called Ummi that we were at the hospital. In a twinkle of an eye they arrived the hospital.

She gave birth to a handsome baby boy. To say I was happy is an understatement, I bow down in sujood to my rabb and thanked Him for the gift that money cant buy. I collected the baby from Ummi's hand and called the Adhaan in his ears. He looks so cute and innocent Masha Allah. They were discharged the next day and we went home. On the seventh day (naming ceremony) I named him Ahmad.

Nafisah laziness is becoming a problem. She has no time for the baby at all. He's always with the nanny. Am a little bit relieved because when ever Hafsah returns from school, she collects him from the nanny and takes care of him.

Hafsah POV

I bathed him and was about dressing him when ya Nafisah phone rang. "Hello ya Ni'ima". "Hey I have been waiting for you, we'll be late for the wedding reception". "am sorry sis, I cant come with you. First I have told Yaya about it and secondly I want to stay with Ahmad today".

"Maganar banxa, are you his mother or will you be her baby's nanny while she's just getting lazy everyday". "That's her own cup of shayi, Ahmad is my flesh and blood I cant leave him with someone else, if she won't take him then I will, am sorry but I promise I will accompany you another day". "It's okay dear, my regards to Ahmad".

She hung up and I dressed my Ahmad. I wore him a blue shirt with jeans trouser, black socks and black sandals, i rubbed Johnson's baby powder on his neck and forehead, i sprayed some perfume on his clothes and I snapped him with his mum phone. I gave him milk to drink and I was busy smiling at him when I heard a voice "let me help you take care of the baby". "Yaya when did you get here?". "it's been a while because I saw everything you did to your baby". I was surprised because I didn't see him. I gave him the baby

"Yaya please I want to go home". "Y are you lieing hafsah?, I heard your conversation with Ni'ima some minutes ago"."Yaya I already told her am not going, I just want Ahmad to visit his grandparents". "it's okay, you can go". Just then aunt Nafisah came out of the room still in her pj. I greeted her and carried Ahmad bag and rushed to the car.

Mama love to sweet o
My happiness na your cup of tea
Everything for you I go do
My mama eh
Your love I no go forget o
Mama eh

Haha, it's really not easy writing this chapter. I don't have much to say.
Don't forget to


06 January 2017

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