Chapter 13

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🎤My vow to you
🎤Take my heart💙
🎤Take my love
🎤Take my body come build my home
🎤Stay with me iyawo mi. Cause you love me i will be your
🎶Scapegoat darling
🎶Cause you came through for me
🎶You make me breakthrough baby oh haaaa
  D'BANJ - scapegoat

'Hello nafisah how are you doing?'. She stood up and left the room when I mentioned Nafisah name. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was walking slowly like she was scared the floor will break, am just falling deeper in love with her, when I close my eyes I see no one but her in my dreams, she's everywhere. I cant stay a day without seeing or hearing her voice. Today Hafsah is now my very own wife, I have only one wish now, to cuddle her in my arms and spend the night making each other happy.

"are you even listening to me?". "yes am listening, what the problem?". "I just want to ask for your permission to go to my friend sister's naming ceremony". "which of your friend? "lawisa". "you are not permitted". "what! But why? Are you planning to ruin our friendship or what? How can you say that, you know we are very close and now you won't even allow me go to her sister naming ceremony. What sort of wickedness is that?".

"That's enough woman. Why are you throwing tantrums over this little thing. It's not lawisa that gave birth so there's no need for you to go there." "bu...". "no but. My decision is final." "this is pure wickedness. First, you betrayed me by marrying the girl I brought up, and now you are having a good time there while am all alone in the house like a witch and you are stopping me from going out. Are you a good husband at all? "that enough I said, am always warning you to watch the words that comes out of your mouth, know how to talk to me with respect". I just couldn't take it anymore so I ended the call.

"what's up bestie, did he let you go". Lawisa asked me. "no he didn't. "wicked man, we would have gone to that sorcerer and no matter how stubborn he is, he will be so soft that you alone can bend him to any direction you want. Nevertheless, give me the money n I will just go there alone and collect the charms for you. "okay. Excuse me please. I opened my bedside drawer and brought out a bundle of 200 naira notes and gave her. "yawwa kawata. Abdulkadir and Hafsah are in big trouble, they will pay for betraying you. "thank you my friend". "I have to go now bye. "OK bye.

After dinner we sat in the sitting room watching a soap opera and I suddenly started dozing off, so I stood up and headed to the bedroom. I took my bath, brush my teeth and changed to my pyjamas but then what? Where am I going to sleep? Yaya said I shouldn't lock the door and I cant sleep on the bed with him. What Should I do? I carried a blanket and spread it on the carpet and took one pillow from the bed and lay down on the blanket, I recited my azkar and in no time I dozed off to dreamland.

I couldn't continue watching the show, so I switched off all the appliances and went to the room, but WHAT? My Hafsah was laying on the floor. I  smiled and bent down, she was sleeping peacefully. I used my thumb and briefly touched her cheeks. I know am handsome, some people went to the extent of saying Hafsah and I look alike but I know am no where close to Hafsah beauty, she's so calm and quiet. Allah ya barmu tare. I carried her from the floor and lay her on the bed, I prayed for her and lay down on the floor instead. It much better than sleeping in different rooms.

I forgot to switch off my phone at night and it kept ringing and the stupid tune woke my Hafsah up. I hissed without checking the caller ID I answered the call. "Hello, who's this?". "babban magana dan tsanda yaga gawan soja wajen yaki. You don't even know my number again. Ehh, this amarya is doing wonders o". "shegen gari. Why are you calling me so late". "it's very urgent neh. We'll be going to Bayelsa next tomorrow in shaa Allah". Faruk my colleague said. "and must I go with you? Didn't they know I have a new bride at home? How can I leave her alone?". "haha. You will just have to leave her there. "where did the order come from? "from the headquarters. You have to be in Kaduna tomorrow cause we'll be leaving early the next day. "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. I never expected this to happen. How am I going to leave without Hafsah. "what has gotten into you. You are talking as if this your first marriage. Hey just put your family together and come here. Good night". Without waiting for my reply he disconnected the call.

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