Chapter 21

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This chapter is dedicated to all my wonderful readers. Thank you for the votes and comments.

I reached home and parked my car, i entered the house with a salam and met everyone in the sitting room. I ordered Hashim and hamisu to bring the boxes in my car, they brought it and kept it on the carpet. 'Abba wallahy am tired of the injustice going on in that house. Can you imagine he gave me two boxes while she was given four, he gave her the same car as mine am the eldest fa why will he give us the same car?'. Hajiya opened the boxes and said 'we have seen it.

May Allah bless him and replenish his pocket'. Everyone answered with ameen. I looked at them like they were having two horns on their head. 'Hajiya am not going back to that house fa. You better call him and tell..... A slap on my face shut me up before I could complete my sentence. Abba gave me another slap on my left cheeks. 'Foolish girl, I never knew you are so daft until today. Where were you when he gave me a car just like his parents, he didn't differentiate us from his own family, he loves us as much as he loves them. Let this be my last warning to you, any day you step your foot in these house in the name of bringing another complain I promise you that I won't hesitate to break your bones and ask him to divorce you. Dabbar yarinya. Get out'.

He ordered in an angry voice. I hesitated but mummy gave me a slap which made me ran out of the house crying, my siblings followed me with the boxes and kept it in the car, I drove out of the house in a full speed.

'Yayana thank you so much for everything, you've been like a mother to me since she passed away. You are my pillar that support me through the good and bad times. You've spent so much on me and my baby, I can't say I love you because I've said it to many but I can say that you are the best husband ever'.

After seeing some of the guest off, I returned to my room and found the boxes Yaya brought. Four freaking Luis Vuitton boxes not to mention the clothes in it. I went to his apartment to thank him for everything he did, that was much.

'Noor tell me something, if I don't do it for you who will? You are my family and since the very first day she was born, nothing ever went wrong Alhamdulillah, she's a blessing to us all'. I hugged him 'may Allah always protect and provide you. Allah ya kara mana son junanmu'. 'Ameen noorul ayn'.

Yau da gobe asarar me rai. Khalisah wore a blue bum short with a yellow top, and a black shoe. She was riding a toy car in the sitting room when her Abba entered.

She ran to to welcome her abba.'Abba! Abba!! Abba!!!, she almost feel down but Yaya held her. 'Abba's girl'. I walked up to them smiling, and he hugged us both. I collected his bag, took it to the room and get his bathing water ready. I collected khalisah and she kept whining stretching her hand for her abba to carry her. 'Abba needs to bath, when he comes back you can play all you want'. I scolded her lightly. She nodded her head while he went inside. She was eight month old already.

After eating we decided to play a game. Hide and seek game He tied a piece of clothes round his eyes chasing me and khalisah, crawling. I tapped his back while he stretched his hand trying to hold me but i moved back, he almost held khalisah while she stood there laughing. I ran to her and scooped her in my arms, I kept her on the chair.

I pinched his nose and try to run but unfortunately he caught me. 'Finally I caught you'. He said trying to unfold his eyes. 'I disagree, you tricked me'. 'But how?'. 'All I know is that you tricked me and won, it's not fair'. 'Am not fair in complexion either'. He laughed and I slightly hit his arm and joined him laughing too. Khalisah came down and joined the laughing crew, the laughter subsided after some time.

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