Final Chapter

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I gasped when I saw how beautiful the house is, it wasn't as big as that of Kano but it was beautiful in it's own way. Abdulkadir left for work already leaving us to tour around the house. I got tired and took my bath waiting for Abdulkadir to return.

I returned home after maghrib, hungry and tired. I entered the house and met Nafisah and Ahmad in the sitting room all saying they were hungry. My mood changed and I was angry. What sort of a wife is these, is she not a woman, can't she do anything ne wai. 'Nafisah couldn't you at least cook indomie for Ahmad, because obviously you are not hungry'. 'There was no gas and I tried calling you but your line was off'. 'Did you unpack our luggage'. 'No, I was tired from the touring so I couldn't'. 'Where you touring in the villa, is the house that big to get you tired. You are just lazy ne wallahy. Get my bag for me please'.

I stood up frowning and gave him his bag. He opened it and brought out so many stuff, cake, cin-cin, sinasir, stew, shredded meat etc. I was speechless, when did she do all these. How did she do it, well am now in Abuja too, lemme see the supernatural powers she used in cooking. I couldn't miss any of it, I ate to my satisfaction and kept the leftover in the fridge.

I couldn't stop thinking about Yaya, how is he? What is he doing? Has he eaten? Is he tired?. I have so many questions but no answer, I performed two rakah of nafilah crying to my Rabbi to protect him for me. After spending one hour praying I climbed my bed to sleep. Khalisah is with talatu, she cried herself to sleep also. My phone rang, bringing me back to reality, it was my husband. I couldn't be more happy.

'My one and only, how are you doing? How is Ahmad and Aunty?'. 'Noorul ayn we are all fine Alhamdulillah, where's khalisah, has she slept or is she still asking of her abba?'. 'Uhm, she has slept'. 'Toh Alhamdulillah. How's my champion doing'. He asked referring to my 3 month old baby. 'He's fine also'. 'Am so tired today Noor, immediately we arrived I left for work and I returned after maghrib'. 'Awwn sorry Yaya but I guess aunty has massaged your body already so the tiredness has vanished, sai dai the tiredness of tonight kuma'. 'Uhm, very good, you now have the mouth to tell me that.

When I come back I won't take it easy with, you will pay for what you said. She laughed, I really missed that. 'No don't do that, am sorry, I won't do it again'. Her thought occupied my mind my only wish now is to see her, hear her laugh, taste her delicious meal. 'Noor I can't stay here for four days without seeing you please, am coming tomorrow'. 'No you can't do that, who will do the work for you?'. 'Will there be a problem if I come to see you for just a day. Please Noor, I will return my magrib in Shaa Allah. Few hours is all am asking for!'. 'No I disagree, four days it's just like today fa, nothing will happen to us, calm down and pay attention to your work. We have three days all to our selves. Don't worry okay?.

'Okay Noor, may Allah bless you. I know you are also worried, I want you to sleep, don't over think, don't stress yourself, eat properly'. 'I will in Shaa Allah. Good night'. 'Good night Noor'. I waited for to disconnect the call before switching it off, prayed then sleep.

Today is Friday, time to go home. I was so happy, immediately after asr prayer I hit the road. Yaya will be coming home today, I cooked different dishes, took my bath and got the dressed. The house was sparking, my baby was looking neat too everything was ready just waiting for his arrival.

Khalisah was outside playing with her toy car when I drove in. I felt so happy I immediately parked my car and ran to her just like she was running to me. 'Abbana! Abbana!!. I hugged her smiling, I perceived her scent, her special scent. I turned and there she was standing by door looking more beautiful than ever.

I hurriedly walked to her and hugged her. I miss them so very much, I touched her abdomen 'how is my baby'. 'He's fine, though he missed his Abba?'. 'He shouldn't worry, Abba is here now we'll be together for five hours'. I gasped 'chai, I didn't mean that fa'. 'Have you forgotten the promise I made through the phone'. 'Uhm uhm, you daughter is listening ai, ni dai ba ruwana'.

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