Chapter 9

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Abdulkadir POV

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. That's all I kept saying until my heart was at ease and my anger subsided. "Yaya am sorry I promise I won't do it again". Hafsah apologized amidst tears. "Hafsah who were those guys I saw spraying money on you?".

"wallahy I don't know them, I have never seen them in my life. It was Yaya Ni'ima that dragged me to the dance floor and then the guys just came from nowhere". "rena mun hankali, they were thrown from heaven just for you. How can you say you don't know them. Were you the only girl there?". "No but Yaya believe me I don't know them". "it's okay. Wipe your tears".

Ni'ima POV

I went to visit Hafsah and immediately I entered we hugged each other. I asked her about the previous day "bai yi mun komai ba".Hafsah said. "that's y I like Yaya, he's hot tempered but the moment you apologize then everything will be normal again". Mhm Hafsah Ya Aisha said she bought that material we saw at her house for us. She was squealing "dagaske?". "a a da karya, and Abba promised to give us money for sewing. The crazy girl stood up and started dancing like the world was given to her. I left the house after isha prayers.

Hafsah POV

I woke up around 2:00 am to pray nafilah. I prayed for my mum and dad too for him to live peacefully with his new wife. I folded the prayer mat and removed my hijab then hopped on my bed. I was about to switch off my phone when a message entered:

"Hafsah I love you so much. Please permit me to present myself to you. My only wish right now is to marry you. Hafsah you are my life".

Subhanalillah, na shiga uku! Allah ya sa ba aljani bane. Another message was sent:

"Hafsah I cant hold it anymore. I can loose my life if am not with you. I love you more than words can describe. When will my dream come true Hafsah. To see you in my arms, and we'll share an everlasting love".

Shikenan tawa ta kare. Who is this? A human or jinn? Allah you are the protector, protect me from this evil person. I recited some duas and slept.

On Thursday evening, I was in the sitting room with Aunty Nafisah when Ahmad came to me. "Aunty mami someone is looking for you outside, his very handsome and he came with a beautiful car". "a handsome guy in a beautiful car?". I asked surprised. "yes, the guy we met in the salon". "toh ki tashi mana, ba kyau wulakanci fa". Aunty said.

  I wore my hijab and went outside. I met him sitting on a white plastic chair with a table and an empty chair opposite him. "barka da zuwa". I greeted him and sat on the chair. "yauwa hafsah nagode". Talatuwa brought snacks and drinks and kept it on the table then left.

"Hafsah to be honest, from the very first day I met you, I fell in love with you and will like to marry you if Allah wills. I will also like to meet your brother to ask for his permission to court you".

" May Allah choose the best for us and in shaa Allah I will inform my brother about it". "does that mean you've accepted my request?". I nodded in the affirmative. " thank you Hafsah. May Allah strengthen our relationship". We chatted for long and he told me he also lives in Kano and he's the third child out of eight children and he's a business man, also his name is Nura. After a while we bade each other good bye and he left.

The next day after my morning chores I was in the sitting room watching film when my phone beeped indicating a message. I opened it and it reads:

"I love you Hafsah. Love is like the music of the nature, the notes are heard by the loving hearts that is tender and pure. I care for you, I miss you and above all I love you".

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raj'iun. Is this person a jinn or human?,  what does he want from me?. I replied
"please who are you? What do you want from me? Why are you hiding yourself from me? Please I beg you don't harm me".

Some minutes after sending the message, my phone rang. It was the unknown number sending me text. I was scared to answer it, the phone rang twice I answered it the third time when it rang.

"Assalamualaikum". A melodious voice answered "wa alaikumusalam hasken ruhina". "Please who are you?" "don't be scared, am a secret admirer who has been in love with you since you were a child. Hafsah I beg you to accept my request so that my dreams will be fulfilled". "Toh what your name? Where do you live?. "my name is Abdul, I was born in Kano but I work in Kaduna so my stay in Kano is on and off." " how did you know so much about me? Where did you get my number?". "I always see when the driver takes you to school so that's how I know you as for the number it's my little secret. Are you done with the questions?"

"No, why did you hide yourself and instead you always send me text messages?". "Hafsah, I sent you text messages so that i will know where I stand in your heart before coming to you. Understand?  "yes". "kin amince mun nazo gareki?" "give me sometime, let me tell my Yaya first". "so you won't accept my request unless you tell your yaya. What if he disapprove?". "No don't worry, he will investigate if you have a good character he won't have any problem accepting you. "okay thank you for your time, sai na kuma bugowa". "okay". I ended the call.

In the night I prayed nafila and ask Allah to choose the best for me. Slowly me and Abdul were really close, he calls me twice a day and we haven't met. Nura visits me every Thursday. While my brother returns from work on Friday.

On Thursday evening, Nura came and we sat in the garden. Talatuwa brought chilled zobo and samosa and kept it on the table. My phone rang "hello mazaje, how are you doing?". "Hafsah am on my way coming to Kano, I want us to meet I cant wait again". "I wish you safe arrival". "thank you, I will come to your house tomorrow morning so that I will take you to school and wait for you to close then we'll come back home together, is that okay with you? "yes it is". Okay see you tomorrow, take care of yourself. "I will bye".

"am jealous gaskiya, you even nicknamed him mazaje". Nura said in a sad tune. "am sorry, I just cant call his name. I pour some zobo into a cup" take this and cool your temper". "feed me if you really want me to drink it". "no, I cant do that, just take it". I was giving him the cup while he was trying to sip the drink. Just then Ya Abdulkadir came in.

I released the cup and it fell on the floor, he came out of the car wearing his khaki with a frown like he has never smiled before. I hit the table and ran inside. "who gave you the permission to court my sister, I don't want to hear anything just leave before I use you as a punching bag". Nura entered his car and drove off.

"aunty please save me, please aunty". My Aunty was asking me to save me from who but I couldn't respond. Yaya Abdulkadir walked in to the sitting room and I ran to my room. He opened the door with force and cut a cable "uban waye Ya baki izinin zance har kina bashi lemo a baki, so that's what you do while am away". He flogged me with the cable and I kept apologizing "yi hakuri yaya wallahy ba zan sake ba, dukan da zafi kaji yayana, ba zan sake ba".

He dropped the cable and exit the room. Aunty came into my room consoling me "wallahy I have no idea he will be back today, he usually comes on Friday then what happened this week?. He called My Aunty and she ran to the sitting room "this should be the last time I will see her with a man in this house with the name of courtship. Both you and her will see the worst side of me". He stood up and left the house.

Hy sweetheart, how are you all doing?. Don't have much to say.
But please


17 January 2017

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