Chapter 16

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I entered my room and headed straight to the bathroom. I had a warm refreshing bath, washing away all the stress, I finally came out of the bathroom with a towel that barely reached my knee. I walked to my wardrobe scanning through my pyjama but couldn't find a suitable one to wear. I kept rummaging through my wardrobe and almost brought out half of my pyjamas when the door opened.

'You left me all alone in the sitting room and c... He couldn't complete his sentence when our eyes met, he muttered something to himself. He stared at me from head to toes and from toes to head. I was feeling hot all over already. He swallowed hard and walked slowly towards me. I just stood there like a log of wood, confused on what to do.

In a split second he was standing in front of me. He pulled me to his chest and I rested my palms on it to keep some distance. He sniffed my hair 'what's the name of the shampoo you used?'. He asked but I couldn't answer, I felt weak. I could hear his hearbeart.

He cupped my face in his hands and in a split second I felt something warm and soft on my lips. Holy potatoes, Yaya is kissing me. He pulled away and our eyes locked. 'Please habibty'. He muttered. I was about to talk when I felt his lips on mine again. My knees went weak and I held unto him for support. Our lips moved in sync as I kissed him back. He gently carried me to the bed without breaking the kiss, he laid me down and we both came up for air. 'I love you hafsah, so very much'. 'Ya.. He shut me up with another kiss, he broke the kiss after a while and looked into my eyes pleading and asking for my approval. I nodded and he leaned in...

Yaya woke me up for fajr but I was to shy to look into his eyes. He carried me to the bathroom and dropped me in the bath tub 'should I help you?'. I nodded negatively, he smiled and kissed my forehead before moving out. I took my ghusl bath then had another refreshing shower, I tied my towel but I was deliberating whether or not I should go out cause Allah knows I can't face yaya now. I tiptoed and gently opened the door, I peeped and looked round the room but he wasn't there.

I immediately rushed out of the bathroom and wore a black jallabiyah, wore my hijab, laid the prayer mat and started praying. I observed two nawafil salat before my fajr prayer. After praying I recited my morning azkar prayed to my Rabb for an everlasting peace between me, my husband and co wife. I folded my hijab and mat, kept them in their appropriate place and went back to sleep.

I woke up 8:25am. I had another shower and dressed up in a fitted Ankara gown, I applied little make up and headed to the sitting room. I found yaya in the dining room arranging our breakfast. I squatted and greeted him my eyes looking down. 'Good morning yaya'. I greeted him shyly.

He stopped what he was doing and came to my side, he made me stood up from my squatting position and he hugged me. Please someone help me tell this man that am shy of him, can't he see neh wai?'. 'Yaya let me go'. I tried pushing him away but he held me very tight. 'May Allah bless you hafsah'. 'Ameen'. I answered silently.

He finally freed me and we walked to the dining table. Me still been me refused to eat anything, I served him his food. I stood up went to the fridge and brought out a bowl of ice cream, I saw yaya frowning but I ignored him. I walked back to the dining room and sat on my previous chair. 'Drop that'. He said in a stern voice. 'Yaya please'.

I said with a pout. 'No, its too early'. I dropped it on the table, stood up and headed to my room. I sat down on the bed crying. He came in some minutes later with a the bowl of ice cream, I wanted to jump and in excitement and collect it but am mad at him. I looked away while he sat close to me on the bed.

He handed me the bowl but I refused to collect it. 'Look am sorry okay, I never meant to hurt you but I was just watching out for you. It's too early for all these and you are taking it on an empty stomach'. He spent almost 20 minutes pleading with me to take it, and I finally gave up.

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