Chapter 5

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Hafsah POV

I returned home and found my mum in a terrible situation, I ran to her "mama what wrong with you, what happened?". "Hafsah I think am in labour, my back and waist is aching badly". Hafsah started crying. "mama stand up let's go to the hospital please". "Am too weak Hafsah, please quickly go and call Ummi and Umma". I rushed out of the room and headed towards umma section. I informed them that my mother was in labour they all hurried to the room including Ya Abdulkadir.

She was rushed to the hospital and taken to the labour room. Ya Abdulkadir called Abba and Daddy. "Daddy mama was taken to that room over there (pointing the labour room) she was in pain, daddy will my mama get well." My father hugged me " in shaa Allah she will get better, she went to give birth to a sister for you, don't you want a sister? ". "I do daddy". " Then stop crying and pray for your mother. She was in the labour room all night then Abba ordered Hamza to take me and hajiya home.

We were at the hospital the next day very early. She delivered safely but the blood won't stop rushing out. Everybody was frightened at the situation, daddy held her hand and was praying for her. She was injected and Alhamdulillah the blood stopped rushing. "where is Hafsah? Please call her for me". Mama said weakly. My brother Abubakar came to call me because I was not allowed to stay in the room. "here I am mom, please mom get well soon". I lay my head on her tummy and started crying. My mum put her weak hand on my head and was muttering something.  Just then she said the kalimatush shahadah and then silence followed.

Hamza announced that she is dead. Everyone muttered inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, and then they all burst into tears. After that I don't know what happened but I opened my eyes and I was laying on ummi's bed. Mama was bathed and taken to her new home (grave). Kulli nafsin za ikatil maut (every soul shall taste death).

Every day I always hold the baby

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Every day I always hold the baby. We sleep together wake up together, I nick named her mummy's girl. On the sixth day (a day before the naming) the baby died. She had a high temperature. I cried my eyes out to the extent that my voice was low. My maternal grandmother wanted taking me along with her but Abba refused saying I shouldn't be separated from my siblings, she later gave up and went home. Two weeks after her death we all resumed school.

Abdulkadir POV

Early Monday morning about 9:00 am I went to my father's office to discuss something important. I knocked on his door and he permitted me to enter.

"Good morning Abba". "Morning son". "Abba if you don't mind please I want to ask for a favor". "am listening". "Abba please I want you to give me the custody of Hafsah".

"Abdulkadir what are you saying, this girl just lost her mum and now you want to separate her from her siblings, do you think she will be free and happy in your house?". "Abba but am also her brother and she's very close to my wife too, therefore am sure she will be happy".

"But you were there when her grandma wanted to take her but I refused if I should give her to you now, what will people say?". "Abba no matter what you do people will complain, so don't worry about them, I promise you I will never let anything bad to happen to her". " it's okay since you insist, but ask her father if he's okay with the decision, may Allah bless you". "Ameen Abba". With that I left to daddy's office.

I sallamed and entered the office, I met him taking hot tea, I greeted him then made my self comfortable on one of the chairs.

"Daddy please I will like to take the custody of Hafsah". "It's okay son, may Allah bless and protect you". "Thank you so much daddy". I left the office and headed home to inform my mother.

"mum please pack Hafsah clothes from today onwards she will be staying with me". "So you mean we cant take care of her and you know her worth better than we do that's why you are taking her ko?". "Its not like that ummi please don't misunderstand me". With that he turned and left the house.

I headed to my house and parked my car in the parking lot then went inside and sat down in the sitting room. Nafisah came out from her room. "welcome back,  but where did you go so early in the morning without eating your breakfast?". "don't worry about that, I have eaten in Abba office'.

'I want you to please tell the maid to clean the guest room, Hafsah will be coming to live here". "what do you mean by that, how can you say Hafsah will be living here, won't the girl be depressed?, please let her live with her siblings she's a spoilt girl, how do you want me to handle her?".

I shot her glare "am not asking for your opinion it's an order, please when she comes you can tell her to leave the house yourself". "You have a short temper wallahy, why will I stop her from staying it's her brother's house after all.

Here's another chapter for my habiby's and habibty's.


28 December 2016

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