Chapter 15

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These chapter is dedicated to one and only @khayrat97. It was actually NAFISAH doing, though she didn't specifically mention her name But she tried.

'Hello lawisa,finally I have gotten rid of Hafsah. She's dead now'. Nafisah informed her friend. 'That a very good news, how did you do it?. 'Simple! I hit her with a car'. 'Bravo my friend, but ain't you scared of the consequence if in case anyone should find out'. 'I don't care, all I know is that my mission is accomplished so am ready for the consequence'. 'Wait you mean he saw you?'.

'Yes he did'. 'What did he say?'. 'Probably he was too shocked when he notice I was the one driving, he didn't really say anything'. 'And you are happy? Do you think he will let you go without any punishment?. 'Lawisa i dont care. Hafsah is dead and that's all that matters'. 'Okay oo, congratulations but I fear for you Shaa'.

'Thank you dear, sai anjima'. I disconnected the call feeling so happy and on top of d world. Like I said I can endure his punishment cause hafsah is out of d way. I continued jumping like a little child when his wish is fulfilled.

'Doctor please try your best and save her'. 'Don't worry colonel we'll try our best, calm down and pray for her'. He entered the room where Hafsah was lying almost lifeless. Some minutes later Ummi, Umma, Mama, Aisha and Na'ima rushed to where I was standing.

'How's she doing?. Mama asked. 'How did it happen?' Ummi asked next. 'What did the doctor say?'. Now who should I answer first?, am as worried as they are and am not even sure I know the answer to all these question. I thought looking at nowhere in particular. 'Will you answer the questions or you planning on ignoring us'. Umma asked 'again'.

'I don't really know her state of health cause the doctors haven't said anything yet and she was hit by a car'. I answered them in one breath. 'Hit! Car! Whose car? Where did she go?' Umma queried. 'Soon umma you will know the person behind it in Shaa Allah'. I left them standing at the corridor and went outside the hospital.

'Why did Nafisah do all these? Does she hate Hafsah to these extent? As it is she's in a critical condition already, Ya Allah help me cause if I might kill Nafisah if I set my eyes on her for what she did. I need to see her cause I want answers to my questions and I have to do it now'. I went to the parking lot, unlock my car and drove off.

'Welcome alhaji'. The guard man greeted. 'Thank you'. I answered and entered the house. The maids greeted me and I answered with a nod. I entered her room and she wasn't there, I waited thinking she was in the bathroom. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10. 10 minutes and she's still not out, I stood up walked to the bathroom and knock. I knocked thrice and no answer, I opened the door and no one was inside.

I quickly rushed downstairs and asked the maid of her whereabouts. 'She left the house since in the morning and haven't returned'. 'Okay, don't tell her I came, i will call her. Without waiting for reply, I left the house wondering where she went. It's past 9 pm already.

I drove back to the hospital and met Abba and Daddy. I greeted them and was told that the doctor was looking for me. I knocked on his door and he permitted me to enter.

'Mr Abdulkadir, we've checked your wife and conducted all the necessary test, she doesn't have any deep injury so she'll be okay very soon in Shaa Allah. She will wake up any moment from now'. 'Alright, thank you so much doctor'. 'You welcome'. We shook hands and I left the office.

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