Chapter 11

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Hafsah POV

I was discharged from the hospital three days later. I was in the sitting room with Ya Ni'ima when my phone rang, I checked the caller ID and rejected the call, seconds later it rang again.
" answer the call please, I know it's Yaya". Pleaded Ni'ima. "he's not the one". "then answer it". " I don't know what to tell him". "tell him the truth, explain everything to him and in shaa Allah he will understand".
"Hello!" "ai dole ki ki daga wayata, kunyata ma ta isheki. Hafsah I never knew you will betray, he was your fiance but you lied to me that he's your brother and you live in his house, why did you do this Hafsah?". I couldn't control myself from crying, he was right, I don't blame him for what he's saying, anyone in his shoes will act like that. "Nura please listen to me, it's not what you are thinking".

BOOM... Ya Abdulkadir walked in to the room with a stern look, I got butterflies in my stomach, everything was just upside down, Nura was saying something but I couldn't respond. He walked slowly to where I was sitting, I closed my eyes waiting for a slap, instead he collected the phone.  "You idiot, are you aware that you are talking to a married woman? Wallahi this your first and last time, if you dare call my wife again I will make sure your life will be hell".

He ended the call and threw the phone on the wall, everything was now in pieces, he walked to the place and picked the sim card and pieced it.  He looked at me and pointed his index finger " this should be your last warning, if I see you talking to any man again, you will see the worst side of me". He stormed out of the room. I couldn't even move, I just sat there crying. Ya Ni'ima entered the room, she sneaked out earlier when Yaya was fuming with anger. "Toh now why are you crying? You always cry over little things that my problem with you". "Ya Ni'ima you know that Yaya has a short temper, and I hate to see him angry especially when am the cause of the anger. To taya za ayi zaman aure haka?".

"Hafsah, we both know that you are the patient type, you can live with Yaya peacefully because you are always cautious. Now I see the reason why Yaya is always harsh on you, it's because he loves you. Wallahi I haven't seen a perfect couple like you and Yaya". "haba, harda ke Ya Ni'ima?". Ni'ima hugged me and wiped my tears.

On Friday was the wedding kamu. The venue was filled up with friends and family. Later in the day, a walima was organized and a Mallama delivered a sermon. I got scared after listening to the sermon, I wish I could just die or I should run away from everything or better, it should all be a dream.

Uhmmmm (clears throat). Habeeby's and habibty's am here again but with a very short chapter, am really sorry for taking such a long time to update but wallahy school is very stressful. I just updated this chappy so my readers will know I haven't forgotten about them. I know many of you were waiting for updates but I failed m so sorry n in shaa Allah I will make it up to you.

I don't  need to ask about the chapter cause I know it's boring but please just manage it, it's all this head could think of. In shaa Allah the next chapter will be great.

Your votes and comments in the previous chapter are just great. Thank you so much, may Allah bless you for that. I will be waiting for comments on this chapter too.

And please






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