Chapter 18

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'Your husband is here to see you'. Mummy informed me. I jumped up in excitement, finally he's here. 'Dagaske mummy?. 'She glared at me which made me compose myself. She left the room while I carried my veil and rushed out. I met him in the sitting room, typing on his phone. I salaamed and sat down. He answered without looking up.

'You finally came, what took you so long, you don't even answer my calls. I got tired of living here but with time I adjusted'. 'Then there's no use coming to take you back since you liked it here. He said and immediately stood up, is these man high on something. I thought he will apologize but he's talking about leaving me here.

I'll die if I stay here, yeah it's my parents house bit those people are not taking it easy with me, am not even allowed to step out of the house. 'No please don't go, I'll go with you'. He just shrugged. I quickly went to inform my parents before he changes his mind. I went back to the sitting room while we waited for them to come out.

They later came out and sat on the couch while we sat on the floor. They preached for us, scolded me and also warned me not to repeat such a mistake again. 'Wallahy if you dare try to do anything stupid again, then you look for another father but not me. You better make up your mind and live peacefully with everyone. Ni dai na gaya miki'. Abbu said in a final tone.

We thanked him and stood up to leave. 'May Allah bless you all'. 'Ameen'. We chorused. We went to the parking lot and he opened the car. He was ignoring me.

'Wait mallam are you still going to pretend that I don't exist?'. 'Do you?. Rainin sense ne  ai wannan. 'You heard what abbu said, if you try to harm my wife again I won't hesitate to throw you out and no one will force me to bring you back. Heartless human being'. What just happened? Abdulkadir called me heartless because of that thing. Fine I will keep calm for now, but if I set my eyes on that girl hmmm.

He dropped me at home and reversed his car without coming down, I shrugged and entered inside. I received a text message from him telling me that he will send someone to bring my belongings the next day, I hissed and switch off the phone.

The next day after my breakfast, I sent Hamza to Nafisah parents house so he could get her belongings and take it to her. Ahmad has gone to school already and my dear wife is nowhere to be found.

My phone was ringing, I checked the caller ID and it was faruq my colleague I answered the call.

'Haba mallam, your Amarya made you to forget us ko?. No call no text. Ba damuwa rayuwa ne'. He complained. 'Mutumina yi hakuri, but please don't blame my Amarya, she didn't do anything. I will resume next week ai in Shaa Allah'. 'If you say so. Dama I called to congratulate you ne'. 'For?. 'You've been promoted and transferred to Abuja'. 'Like seriously'. 'No like jokingly. Mallam am serious, am gonna miss you though'.

'Wow, thanks for such a good news. And please stop acting like a woman, we can visit each other anytime and we'll be communicating too in Shaa Allah'. 'Haha. Toh shikenan have a nice day. My regards to your wives, Abdulkadir I repeat wives not wife'. 'Mallam ban son sheganchi mana, I won't even tell any of them'. 'Haha. Bye. 'Thank you, my regards to your family. 'In Shaa Allah. I disconnected the call.

I stood up to search for my missing wife and I found her in the bedroom. Madam you left me all alone in the sitting room and came here, am hurt. She just stared at me without saying a word. 'OK fine don't talk, sit I want to tell you something'. She dropped her phone and sat down resting her head on the wall. I looked at her and smiled. 'Talk'. She stated.

'Am been promoted and transferred to Abuja. She didn't react immediately, it took some time before she digested what I told her and within a split second she was hugging me, like very tightly, I hugged her back and after what seems like forever she released me. 'Congratulations Yaya. We got to celebrate these. Go tell our parents and Aunty then ... Or no rather you tell our parents then me, you, aunty and ahmad will celebrate specially'.

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