Chapter 20

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These chapter is dedicated to


Thank you so much for your endless love.

I gently opened my eyes and looked at the drip fixed on my right hand, then at Yaya who was sitting beside me. 'Sorry, how are you feeling?'. He asked. 'Alhamdulillah'. I replied my voice barely audible. He helped me to sit and he brought out yoghurt with grilled chicken he was feeding me till I said I was okay. I was discharged after spending two whole days at the hospital.

Yaya now Pampered me more than before. Whenever he's at home I hardly touch anything, he always talks about his child like he never had a child.

I was laying on the couch using his laps as my pillow while he was reading a newspaper. Talatu knocked the door and she was permitted to enter. 'Aunty mami what will I cook for you?. 'Pepper chicken'. 'And what?'. 'Uhmm.... That's all, and please it should be spicy don't put salt, maggi cube is okay'. 'Okay. What should I prepare for Yaya?:. 'A a, don't worry I will cook he's myself, am now healthy ai'. 'Toh uwar dakina'. She left and Yaya looked at me.

I know he will have a problem with what I said. 'What do you mean by you will cook the food yourself? It's okay if you don't want her to cook for me but I will go to a restaurant and buy instead of you cooking'. 'No way, a whole Angon Hafsah buying food in the restaurant while am not sick, don't worry I can do it. Seriously am okay now'. He smiled and rubbed my flat tummy 'but I don't want to stress you ne ai, the baby might make you vomit again'. He said with a little frown.

Let me call Abba and tell them the good news, I didn't inform them that you were hospitalized too. He brought out his phone and I immediately collected it, I pouted 'Yaya please don't tell them, am shy how do you expect to look at our parents'. 'Toh Hafsah do you expect me to keep quite without telling them so they will rejoice with us, they are our parents fa'. 'Please don't tell them'. 'Okay I won't tell them'.

My pregnancy was four month old when ya Abdulkadir was promoted and at the same time the house he was building in Kano was completed. It's a very big house, each having her apartment. There's a big sitting room which is the main one where visitors can be entertained or when something important needs to be discussed. It has 3 doors, one leading to Hafsah apartment, the other one leads to Nafisah and the last one leads to Abdulkadir. We returned to Kano just to check on the house.

Hafsah beauty increases day by day or so I thought, her four month pregnancy fit her so well. Her body so soft like a wool, looking very radiant. My Hafsah, she occupies my every thought that I have to punish my self sometimes when I remember I have another wife.

We arrived Kano in the evening some minutes past asr prayer. Everybody was happy to see me, even Ya Na'ima and Ya Aisha were there too. I was so happy, I was away from them for a few month but it felt like years.

Ya Na'ima hugged me while ya Aisha was staring at me. 'Hafsah you are pregnant'. She said happily, Ya Na'ima was also looking at my tummy now. I was shocked when ya Aisha said that, my tummy was still flat not too flat though but still 'ya Aisha am not pregnant, I just over ate that's all'. 'Overate? But we haven't eaten yet'. 'We ate on the way'. They just shook their head not convinced with what I said.

The day we parked into our new house, Yaya was to sleep in aunty Nafisah room. He came to my room the next day around 8am I was wearing a blue denim jeans with yellow polo shirt. He met me taking ice cream and coconut cake. I flashed him a smile but he didn't reciprocate. He collected the ice cream and held my ear 'why is this ear stubborn? Haven't I warned you to stop taking ice cream, who gave it to you, cause I didn't buy it'. 'Yaya am sorry please release my ear, it's paining me'.

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